Dec. Ses. 1816
Certificate to
be recorded.
Allegany) county, containing seventeen thousand seven hundred
and fifty acres of land; and although the said certificate is thereon
endorsed "for the office," no record thereof appears to have
been made in the land office; and it appearing that sundry sur-
reys made of lands adjoining to the said manor, or tract of land,
call to begin at the end of, or to run to, with or from, some one of
the lines thereof, by the name of Lord Baltimore's Manor, or the
Manor of the Great Glades; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the register of the land office for the western shore be, and he
hereby is authorised and directed, to enter amongst the records
of the said land office the certificate now in the said office, pur-
porting to be of a survey of a tract or parcel of land commonly
called Lord Baltimore's Manor, on the Great Glades, containing
seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty acres, lying formerly
in Frederick, but now in Allegany county, and dated the eighth
day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-
eight, made in pursuance of a special order from the then go-
vernor, for his Lordship the Right Honourable Frederick, Lord
Baron of Baltimore, and signed by Francis Deakins, then one of
the deputy surveyors, and that an attested copy under seal, of the
said certificate, or of the record to be made thereof as aforesaid,
shall have the same effect and validity, to all intents and pur-
poses, as the said original would have if produced and proved.
Passed Feb. 5.
Street to be
opened and ex-
An act for opening and extending South-Street, in the Ci-
ty of Baltimore.
Whereas Robert Mills, president of the Baltimore Water
Company, John E. Howard, James Hindman, and others, have
by their petition to this general assembly set forth, that a new
road, to be opened by widening and extending North Lane, in-
tersecting Baltimore-street, opposite to South-street, in the city
of Baltimore, till it intersects the York-town turnpike road, in
the judgment of your memorialists is highly desirable and neces-
sary, and if laid out would prove to be eminently advantageous,
and of permanent utility, not only to the citizens of Baltimore,
but also to the whole community, to be laid out as follows; that
is to say; Beginning at the north-east corner of Baltimore-street,
and North Lane, and running thence along the east side of North
Lane, (viz. South-street extended) to its intersection with the
west side of the Baltimore Water Company's canal, thence
along the west side of the said canal to its intersection with
Jones's Falls, thence along the west side of Jones's Falls to a
point north twenty-nine and an half degrees, east thirteen per
ches, from the south-west corner of the tail-race wall of Keller
and Forman's Mill, thence in a straight line along the east side
of the proposed road to the. north-west corner of the abutment pa-
rapet wall of the bridge on the York turnpike road; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
William Lorman, Solomon Etting, Isaac Tyson, James Wilson.
James Carroll and George Hoffman, or a majority of them, be
and they are hereby appointed commissioners to open, extend
and lay out, the said street, of such width as the said commis-