5. And be it enacted, That the said trustee shall be entitled to
such sum or sums of money, for his or her expenses and trouble
that he or she may necessarily be put to in the performance of
the duties required of him or her under this act. as the orphans
court of Somerset county shall think proper to allow him or her;
Provided, that in case, of the death of any of the said children,
before their arrival at lawful age, or their dying intestate with-
out issue, the said stock, so to be purchased as aforesaid, and the
proceeds arising from the sale of the said land directed to be
paid to the said children by this act, shall be considered as a
part of the real estate of the said George Slacum, deceased, and
shall descend to his heirs at law, and legal representatives, in
the same manner as the said real estate would descend if the.
same had not been sold under and in virtue of this act.
Dec. Ses. 1816.
Trustee's al-
An act to alter and change all and every part of the
Constitution and Form of Government as relates to
the Attorney General.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all and every part of the constitution and form of govern-
ment of this state, which relates to the attorney general, be and
the same is hereby abrogated, annulled, and made void.
2. And be it enacted, That the duties and services, now pro-
vided by law to he done and performed by the attorney general,
shall be done and performed by such persons, and in such man-
ner, as the general assembly of Maryland shall hereafter direct.
3. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be confirmed by the
general assembly of Maryland, after the next election of dele-
gates, in the first session alter such new election, as the con-
stitution and form of government directs, in such case this act,
and the alterations of the constitution therein contained, shall
constitute and be valid as a part of the said constitution and form
of government, to all intents and purposes, any tiling therein
contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb. 5.
Part of con-
stitution re-
Duties to be
performed as
hereafter di-
If confirmed
to be part of
the constitu-
An act directing the Register of the Land Office for the
Western Shore to Record the Certificate of a Survey
made of a Manor commonly called Lord Baltimore's
Manor, on the Great Glades, in Allegany County.
Whereas, there is in the land office for the western shore,
a paper (and which has been produced to this general assembly)
purporting to be an original certificate of a survey of a manor,
made by Francis Deakins, then one of the deputy surveyors of
the province, in pursuance of a special order to him directed
from the then governor, bearing date the twenty-second of April,
in the year ore thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight, by which
it appears that the said Deakins, on the eighth day of May, in
the year aforesaid, surveyed and laid out for his Lordship, the
right honourable Frederick, Lord Baron of Baltimore, all that
tract or parcel of land called lying in Frederick, (now
Passed Feb. 4.