and in general for the better managing and promoting the inte-
rests of the said corporation and company, or for the improve-
ment, of the natural advantages of the lands, rights and privi-
leges, vested in, or owned by them, in as full and ample a manner
as any other corporate, body within this state may or can do.
7. And be it enacted. That it shall he the duty of the president
and directors to prepare and exhibit to the stockholders annually,
a statement of the affairs of the company, and to make divi-
dends of the profits of the company, at such times, and in such
manner, as they, or a majority of them, shall direct.
8. And be it enacted, That all the property, estate, and joint
stock of said corporation, shall be bound and answerable for any
contracts or engagements made, or liability incurred, by the
president and directors thereof, or through their agency, or by
their authority, but. the stockholders shall in no wise be answer-
able or liable therefor, in their individual capacities or private
estates; and the service of any judicial process, by any autho-
rised officer, upon the president and directors, shall be a good
service upon the corporation.
9. And be it enacted, That it shall he the duty of the said com-
pany to provide a competent teacher to instruct the children em-
Ployed in their service in reading, writing and arithmetic.
Dec. Ses. 1816
Statement to
be annually ex-
hibited to
Property to be
answerable for
Teacher to be
An act extending the benefit of the Insolvent Laws to
certain persons therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the full benefit of the act, entitled, An act for the relief of
sundry insolvent debtors, passed at November session, eighteen
hundred and five, and the several supplements thereto, may be
extended to the following persons, by the several county courts
in which they reside; William R. Sewell, of Calvert; William
P. Ridgaway, of Talbot; John B. Hanson, of Charles; Richard
Stockett, of Queen-Anne's; James Lee Morgan, of Harford ;
Jesse Bouldin, of Cecil; Joseph J. Sterrett, William Willis, and
Abraham Force, of Washington; Zachariah M'Cubbin, of Mont-
gomery: George W. Higgins, John Deale, Samuel Wood, jun.
and William Bates, of Anne-Arundel; Samuel Greenwell and
Philip Greenwell, of Saint Mary's; Frederick Linthicum,
of Frederick county; without being required to produce to the
court the assent of creditors as required by said acts.
Passed Feb. 5.
Benefit of in-
solvent laws
extended to
certain per-
An act for the relief of Samuel Thomas, of Talbot County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Talbot county court is hereby authorised and directed, to
extend and afford to the said Samuel Thomas the full benefit of
the act of assembly, passed at November session, eighteen hun-
1 died and five, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent
1 debtors, and the several supplements thereto, without requiring
1 of the said Samuel Thomas to produce the assent of two thirds
1 of his creditors in amount.
1 25
Passed Feb. 5
Benefit of in-
solvent laws