Dec. Ses. 1816
Company to
open road.
Privileges of
Any corpora-
tion may be-
come stock-
In case of com-
pany's failure
state to resume
rights, &c.
Damages to be
When two
miles of said
road is com-
pleted to be
viewed, &c.
7. And be it enacted, That the said company shall open said
road from the site of the Susquehanna Bridge to Rock Run,
' from thence to the Brick Meeting-House, and from thence till
it intersects the Wilmington and Newark turnpike road, accord-
ing to the location of the commissioners aforesaid, sixty feet
wide, of which at least twenty feet shall be an artificial road,
composed of stone, gravel, or other hard substance, and erect
and keep up bridges over the streams crossing the same; and
whenever two miles of said road shall be perfected, said compa-
ny shall he entitled to receive tolls; Provided, that said company
shall not he entitled to tolls after the year 1830, unless said
twenty feet of width shall he composed of stone, gravel, or other
hard substances; Provided, that no tolls shall be demanded or
taken from any person passing or repassing from one part of his
farm to another, or to or from any place of public worship or fune-
ral, on any clays appointed for that purpose, or from militia-men on
days of training, or from voters on days of election, attending
the polls, going to, or returning from the same.
8. And be it enacted, That the said company shall be,
and are hereby invested and clothed with all the privileges,
rights, immunities and advantages, which are held and possessed
by the turnpike company incorporated by an act passed at No-
vember session, 1812, entitled, An act to incorporate a company
to make a turnpike road from the District of Columbia to the
city of Baltimore, to be governed by the same regulations as are
therein prescribed, and be entitled to the same tolls; and every
clause and provision of said act, relative to the road therein pro-
posed to be. made, shall be in force as relates to the road herein
contemplated, so far as the same are applicable and not inconsist-
ent with this act.
9. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any corpora-
tion or body politic in the United States to become stockholders
in the said company.
10. And be it enacted, That if said company do not proceed to
carry on said work within three years after the passing of this
act, or shall not within ten years thereafter complete the said
road, it shall be lawful for the legislature of this state to resume
the rights, privileges, liberties and franchises, granted by this act
to said company.
11. And be it enacted, That the county court of Cecil shall
appoint five commissioners, who shall estimate the amount of
damages sustained by any person or persons by reason of said
road passing through his, her, or their land, or by taking stone,
gravel, or other materials, for the use of said road, in cases
where the parties cannot agree, which estimate shall be final in
determining such damages.
12. And be it enacted, That as soon as the said president, ma-
nagers and company, shall have perfected the road to the dis-
tance of two miles from the site of the Susquehanna Bridge, or
from the intersection of the Wilmington and Newark Turnpike
road, or the like distance progressively, they shall give notice
thereof to the governor of this state, who shall thereupon forth-
with nominate and appoint three skilful and judicious persons
to view and examine the same, and report to him, in writing,