of the county, out of the limits aforesaid, be levied upon the
property within those limits.
7. And be it enacted, That the five following persons, to wit:
John Beall Howard, Joseph Ford, Caleb Merry man, Labon Welsh
and Robert Lyon, shall be and are hereby appointed commis-
sioners to ascertain and fix new places for holding elections in
the first and fourth election districts of Baltimore county respec-
tively, instead of the places heretofore fixed and established for
that purpose in the said districts, and shall proceed in the ex-
ecution of their duty, in the same manner and under the like pe-
nalties, as are prescribed in the act, entitled, An act to regulate
elections, for the commissioners appointed by virtue thereof.
8. And be it enacted, That all acts, and parts of acts, inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this act, shall be, and are hereby
Dec. Ses 1816
New places to
be fixed for
holding elec-
tions in 1st
and 4th dis-
tricts in county.
An act for the benefit of Persons Hiring or Renting Stoves.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That where any stove or stoves now are, or may hereafter be,
rented or hired to any person or persons within this state, the same
shall be and are hereby exempted (in the hands of the person or
persons so hiring or renting the same) from all executions for debt
or public taxes, and from all distress for rent due, or that may
become due, from the person or persons so renting or hiring such
stove or stoves; Provided always, that nothing in this act con-
tained shall protect more than one stove for any one family, or any
stove rented or hired for more than one year; And provided also,
that the contract for renting or hiring such stove shall be in
writing, signed by the parties to the contract, and acknowledged
by them before one justice of the peace, and recorded among
the records of the county where the party so renting or hiring
resides, within twenty days after the making of such written con-
2. And be it enacted, That the justices of the peace taking the
acknowledgment of the parties as aforesaid, shall he entitled to
six cents, and no more, as a fee therefor, and that the clerk shall
be entitled to the like fees for recording the same as are now al-
lowed by law for the recording of deeds and conveyances.
Passed Feb. 3
Hired stoves
exempted from
Allowance to
justices for
taking ac-
An act to permit William Gibbons, a Free Man of Co-
lour, to emigrate and remove into this State.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General, Assembly of Maryland,
That William Gibbons, a free man of colour, now a resident of
the. state of Delaware, may emigrate and remove into this state,
and enjoy the same privileges and immunities as if he had been
emancipated in the state, provided he give bond, with good secu-
rity, to the state of Maryland, in a sum to be approved by the
levy court of Allegany county, that he will not become, a charge
to said county, and the clerk of said court is hereby directed to
file said bond in his office.
Passed Feb. 3.
Wm. Gibbons
authorised to
remove into
this state.