side of said road, to the Philadelphia post road, and from the
Philadelphia post road, by a straight lino, to the north-east cor-
ner of the Lazaretto lot, including said lot, and then with the
lines of said lot to the Patapsco river, on the south by a line
drawn from the Patapsco river, at the termination of the last
mentioned line, to the most southern part of Whetstone Point,
on the main branch of Patapsco river, and running with and
bounding on the said main branch, excluding the land ceded to
the United States on Whetstone Point, for the uses of a fort,
to the place called the Ferry Point, being the junction of the
said main branch with the middle branch aforesaid, and thence
due west to the western side of the middle branch aforesaid,
and on the west by a line running from the termination of the
last mentioned line on the western shore of the middle branch,
and binding on the said shore to the north of Gwynn's Falls,
thence up and with the southwest side of Gwynn's Falls to a
point opposite to the mouth of Gwynn's Run, thence with a
straight course to the mouth of Gwynn's Run, and thence with
a straight line to the end of the aforementioned six hundred and
forty perch line.
2. And be it enacted, That all the provisions of the act, enti-
tled, "An act to erect Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county,
into a city, and to incorporate the inhabitants thereof," and of
all the acts supplementary and in addition to the said act, shall be
and hereby are extended and applied to the present precincts of
the city of Baltimore, and the part of Baltimore county includ-
ed within the bounds and limits described in the preceding sec-
tion, and to the inhabitants thereof; Provided always, that no-
thing in this act shall be construed to prevent any of the turn-
pike road companies heretofore incorporated, from keeping up
any gate or gates now established, or from establishing others
as authorised by law, before the passing of this act, or from re-
ceiving and collecting the tolls heretofore allowed and esta-
3. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore shall be, and hereby are authorised and required, to cause
the metes and bounds described in the first section of this act, to
be forthwith surveyed and distinctly marked, and suitable boun-
dary stones, marked as boundaries of the said city, to be placed
at the beginning and at the termination of each line; and boun-
dary stories marked as aforesaid, and not at a greater distance
than fifty perches from each other, to be placed on all the lines
which are not in the water, and do not run with some natural
boundary; and that the said mayor and city council shall cause
two plots of the said survey to be. made and duly certified, one
of which to be returned to, and recorded in, the office of the
clerk of Baltimore county court, among the land records of the
said county, and the other shall be returned to, and recorded in,
the office of the mayor of the said city, and copies of the said
plots, duly certified by the keepers of the said records for the
time being, respectively, and under their respective seal of office
shall be admitted as evidence in all courts of justice within the
Dec. Ses. 1816
Provisions of
certain acts ex-
tended to the
Metes and
bounds to be
surveyed and