recovery of small debts out of court, and to repeal the acts of as-
sembly therein mentioned; Provided always, that in case any
person may think himself aggrieved by the measurement of an in-
spector and wood-corder, he may appeal to the mayor of the
city of Baltimore, and the mayor shall, and he is hereby au-
thorised, to appoint one or more of the other inspectors and
woodcorders to examine into the cause of complaint, and it shall
be the duty of said inspectors and corders, so appointed by the
mayor, to attend for that purpose, and their decision shall be
5. And be it enacted, That all fire-wood brought by water to the
city of Baltimore for sale, shall be at least four feet in length, in-
cluding one half of the kerf, and not less than two inches in di-
ameter at the small end, and shall be set up, packed and corded,
under the direction of one of the inspectors and wood-corders
and shall be measured, and every cord of Wood shall be eight feet
in length, four feet in breadth, and four feet in height, well stow-
ed and packed, and where the wood to be measured exceeds or
falls short of four feet in length, including half the kerf, the cord
of wood shall be proportionably increased or diminished, so as to
make the quantity of each cord of wood as nearly equal as pos-
6. And be it enacted, That the corporation of the city of Bal-
timore shall not have power to appoint inspectors and wood-
corders of the city of Baltimore; and all persons acting under
any authority given them by said corporation, shall cease to act
from and after the first day of March next; every person so of-
fending, shall forfeit and pay a sum of money not exceeding five
hundred dollars, one half to be paid to the informer, and the other
half to the state.
Dec. Ses. 1816.
Length of
wood. &c.
not to have
power to ap-
point Inspec-
tors, &c.
An act to Authorise and empower the Levy Court of Anne
Arundel County to assess and levy the sums of money
for the persons therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Anne-Arundel county, be
and they are hereby empowered and directed, at their annual
meeting, so long as they may see cause so to do, to assess and levy
on the assessable property of said county, for the use of Joseph
Simmons, Ann Mead for the use of the children of Vachel
Johnson, Ann Beigs, Hannah Hill, Mary Whitehead, Jane King,
Sarah Mace, William Green, of Jno. Priscilla M'Cauley, Ralph
Bazill, Ruth Sewel, Matilda Conaway, Thomas Cadle for the sup-
port of Elizabeth M'Cauley and Mary Clarke, Elizabeth Short,
and Jonathan Linthicum for the use of Elizabeth Merriken,
John Dowill, of Richard, for the use of John Dowill, of Richard,
and to such person as the orphans court of Anne-Arundel county
may appoint for the use of John Dowill, of Richard, the sum
of thirty dollars to each of them, which said sums of money when
collected, shall be paid over annually by the collector of said
county to the above named persons, or to their orders.
Passed Feb. 3
Money to be