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Session Laws, 1816
Volume 635, Page 13   View pdf image
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the said road, and to make return to the levy court of Somerset
county of the assessment so made by them.
2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Somerset county
is hereby authorised and required, if the said court shall approve
of the return of the aforesaid commissioners, to levy such sum
on the county, for the use of the said Jacob, as the said court
may deem to have been necessarily expended by the said Jacob
in opening the said road, over and above the amount of the sum
subscribed, which sum, so levied, shall be collected as other coun-
ty charges and taxes are collected.

Dec. Ses. 1816.

Levy to be


An act to release the right of the State to a part of a Tract
of Land therein mentioned.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all the right and title of this state to a part of a tract of
land, called Jum Hoyle, in Montgomery county, containing one
hundred and four acres, be and the same is hereby relinquished
and vested in the heirs of Martin Fisher; Provided, that nothing
herein contained shall operate to the prejudice of any person
who shall heretofore have acquired a title to said property.

Passed Dec. 17

State's right



An act to provide for completing the unfinished Records
of the Orphans Court of Frederick County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the register of wills for Frederick county, shall be paid by the
levy court of said county, out of the county rates thereof, to be
levied for that purpose, the usual fees provided by law, when he
shall bring up and complete the unfinished records of the orphans
court of said county, from the first of January, 1811, to the ap-
pointment ami qualification of Henry Steiner, the present register
of wills of said county.

Passed Dec. 17

Money to be


A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to Incorporate a
Company to make a Turnpike Road from the Town of
Westminster, in Frederick County, through Harman's
Gap, to Hager's-Town, in Washington County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the election for president, managers and treasurer, of said
company, be hereafter held on the second Monday of October
next, and on the same day in every year thereafter, instead of the
first Monday directed by the act to which this is a supplement.
2. And be it enacted, That the grade of said road across the
mountains may, in the discretion of the president and managers
of said company, be. increased, where necessary, to an elevation
that in no case shall exceed an angle of five degrees with an ho-
rizontal line, any provisions in the original act to which this is
a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding.
3. And be it further enacted, That the president, managers and
treasurer, of said company, elected for the present year, shall

Passed Dec. 17

Time for elect-
ing president,
&c. changed.

Company may
increase the ele-
vation of the

Present officers
to be retained.

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Session Laws, 1816
Volume 635, Page 13   View pdf image
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