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Session Laws, 1816
Volume 635, Page 12   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1816

not to hold real
property, &c.

General meet-
ing of stock-
holders may be
called, &c.


shares of any member of this company, but such as shall be ap-
proved of by a board of directors for the time being.
10. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall not be
competent to purchase or bold any real or leasehold property,
other than such as may be recovered by them for premiums, and
as may be necessary for their immediate accommodation in bu-
11. And be it enacted, That the president and directors may
call a general meeting of the stockholders for any purpose rela-
tive to the affairs of the institution, giving at least two weeks
notice in one or more of the newspapers printed in the cities
of Baltimore and Annapolis, Frederick-Town and Hager's-Town,
on the western shore, and in the paper printed at Easton on the
eastern shore; and any number of stockholders, not less than
forty, who together shall he proprietors of one thousand shares,
may at any time apply to the president and directors to call a ge-
neral meeting of the stockholders for any purpose relative to the
affairs of the institution; and if the president and directors shall
refuse to call such meeting, the said number of stockholders,
proprietors of not less than the aforesaid number of shares, shall
have power to call a general meeting of the stockholders, giving
at least two weeks notice in one or more of the newspapers print-
ed in the cities of Baltimore and Annapolis, Frederick-Town and
Hager's-Town, on the western shore, and in the paper printed
at Easton on the eastern shore, specifying in such notice the
object or objects of such meeting.
12. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue and be in
force until the first day of February, eighteen hundred and
twenty, and until the end of the next session of the general as-
sembly thereafter.

Passed Dec. 16

Part of an
act repealed.


An act relating to the Collection of the Public Taxes in
Baltimore County.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the third section of the act, entitled, An act to authorise
the sheriffs and collectors of the several counties of this state to
complete their collections, and for other purposes, passed at the
last session of the general assembly of this state, be and the
same is hereby repealed.

Passed Dec. 16

Expense sus-
tained by Jacob
Morris in open-
ing a road to
be ascertained.


An act for the relief of Jacob Morriss, Jun. of Somerset
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That William Pollett, Josiah F. Polk, and Peter Dashiell or a
majority of them, are hereby authorised and appointed commis-
sioners, to ascertain the expense sustained by Jacob Morriss,
Junior, in opening and extending the road leading from Whit-
tingham's Bridge, at Princess-Anne Town, to the plantation of
George Pollett, deceased, until it intersects the county road lead-
ing from Salisbury to Steven's ferry, at the plantation of Joshua
Morriss; and also the amount of the sum subscribed for opening

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Session Laws, 1816
Volume 635, Page 12   View pdf image
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