Dec. Ses. 1816
Money assess-
ed to be a lien
on property.
Street not to
be extended un-
til damages are
to collect mo-
— their allow-
ter enjoined; but before they proceed, they shall take an oath,
or affirmation, as the case may be, that they will faithfully and
impartially assess and value what damages will be sustained by
opening and extending the said street, taking into consideration
all advantages and disadvantages; they shall then proceed to as-
sess and value what damages will be sustained by any person or
persons whomsoever, by opening and extending said street, and
shall also declare what sum of money each individual benefitted
thereby shall pay towards compensating the person or persons
injured by opening and extending said street; and the names of
the person or persons, and the sums of money which they shall
respectively be obliged to pay, shall be returned, under their
hands and seals, to the clerk aforesaid, to be filed and kept in his
office; and the person or persons benefited by opening of said
street, and assessed as aforesaid, shall respectively pay the
sum or sums so charged and assessed to him, her or them.
3. And be it enacted. That the sums of money so assessed and
charged to each individual benefitted by opening and extending
the said street, shall be a lien upon all the property so benefitted
to the full amount thereof.
4. And he it enacted, That the said street shall not be opened
or extended through the property of any individual injured there-
by, until the damages by him, her or them, sustained and assess-
ed as before provided, shall be paid, or secured to be paid, to his,
her or their satisfaction.
5. And be it enacted, That the clerk to the street commission-
ers of the western precincts aforesaid, shall have power and au-
thority to collect by distress, or otherwise, from all persons
chargeable therewith, their respective proportions of the damage
for opening and extending the said street, and the said money or
monies when received, pay over to the person or persons entitled
to receive the same, and for his services herein enjoined shall re-
ceive six per centum on the amount collected.
6. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, and the sur-
veyor to be employed by them, shall be entitled to receive from
the persons benefitted by the opening and extending of the street
aforesaid, for the services herein enjoined on them, the same per
diem that is allowed for their services as street commissioners of
the western precincts of Baltimore, to be collected in the like
Passed Jan. 28
Road to be al-
tered, &c.
An act to open, straighten and amend, the public Road
from Church-Hill to Sudler's Cross Roads, in Queen-
Anne's County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Colonel James Brown, Samuel Burgess, Esquire, Thomas
Seegar, Horace Roberts, and Captain James Hall, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners to view the road leading from
Church Hill to Sudler's Cross Roads, and they, or a majority of
them, are hereby authorised to alter, straighten, and amend the
same, as they in their judgment may deem most advisable for the
public good, and as little injury to persons through whose lands