said town respectively a reasonable allowance for their servi-
ces, to be rated by the said commissioners on the property
aforesaid, by equal assessments, and generally to order and
promote such regulations and improvements for the benefit and
advantage, of the said town, as the said commissioners shall
determine to be necessary
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the quota of assess-
ments or tax on the real property of non-residents, in case
there be not personal property thereon, shall be collected out
of the rents of such properly, by attachment in the nature of
fieri facias, against, rights and credits, and until such assess-
ments or tax shall be paid the same shall remain a lien upon
the property, subject to interest at the rate of six per centum
per annum.
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bailiff of the said
town shall be appointed annually in the month of July, and be-
fore be shall proceed to execute his office he shall take an oath,
or affirmation, before the said commissioners, that he will
faithfully and impartially perform the duties required of him as
bailiff of the said town by this act, according to the best of his
skill and judgment, and without favour, affection or prejudice;
and the duties of the said bailiff shall be to attend the meetings
of the said commissioners, whenever he shall lie required to
perform such services, for more effectually accomplishing the
objects of this act, as shall be directed by the said commission-
ers, to prevent the tumultuous and irregular meeting of slaves,
negroes, and other dissolute and disorderly persons, within the
limits of said town, or if so assembled to disperse them by all
reasonable and lawful means, and to punish with moderate cor-
rection under such rules and regulations as shall he prescribed
by the said commissioners, all such negro, and other slaves, as
shall be found wandering or strolling about the streets in the
night time, or frequenting the houses of other persons in the
said town without the permission or consent of their masters,
mistresses or overseers.
9. AND BE IT ENACTED. That the said commission-
ers shall have power, when requested in writing by the owners
of two thirds of the property on any street or alley, or parts
thereof in said town, to cause the same to be graded, paved, or
otherwise improved as the case may be, if in their discretion
they shall think fit so to do, and to levy the expence thereof on
the property binding on said street or alley, agreeable to the
extent of said lots on the said street or alley, and to collect the
expence of grading, paving or otherwise improving the same,
in the same manner, and on the same conditions, as shall here-
after be prescribed by this act for collection of the tax in said
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever it shall be
judged necessary by the said commissioners to assess and levy
any sum or sums of money on the inhabitants and owners of
property in the said town, for any of the purposes, and subject
to the provisions herein before mentioned, the said commission-
ers shall make out a fair and alphabetical list of every person
chargeable with such assessment, keeping the property assessed
on the eastern side of Will's creek in said town separate and
distinct from the property on the western side of said creek,
and shall annex the respective sums to be collected from each
Tax of non-