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Session Laws, 1814
Volume 633, Page 99   View pdf image
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case where the person or persons against whom any judg-
mcnt or decree hath heretofore been obtained, have su-
perseded or shall supersede the same in the manner pre-
scribed by the original act to which this is a, further sup-
plement, it shall and may be lawful for such person of
persons to supersede the original judgment or decree in
the manner pointed out by this act, and such confession
shall operate as a stay of execution, as well upon the
said original judgment, as upon the said former confes-

Dec. 3ess.


8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any judgment
or decree as aforesaid, for a sum certain, which doth not
purport to carry interest on the money or tobacco for
which the same was obtained, shall be stayed by reason
of any confessions as aforesaid, such sum shall bear inter-
est from the date of such confession; and it shall and
may be lawful for the party who may hereafter sue out
execution on said confession of judgment, or the original
judgment on which such confession was made, to compel
payment of interest on the said sum of money or tobac-
co, from the date of the said confession, by endorsing on
the execution his claim of interest from the time when
the said confession was entered into; and the sheriff, cor-
oner or constable, (as the case may be,) shall levy such
interest accordingly.


9. AND BE if ENACTED, That no distress for
tent shall be made until the expiration of the thirty first
day of January eighteen hundred and sixteen; Provided,
the tenant or tenants enter into bond to the landlord or
landlords, his, her or their executors or administrators,
with such security, and in such penalty, as two justices
of the peace, of the county wherein the lands or tene-
ments tor which said rent may have accrued, are situat-
ed shall approve of, conditioned for the payment of the
sum due on the thirty first day of January eighteen hun-
dred and sixteen, with interest thereon from the time the
said rent became due; and the said bond so as aforesaid
taken, shall be retained by the justices of the peace ta-
king the same, to be by them delivered to the person or
persons to whom the rent is or may be so as aforesaid
due; and in case any distress for rent shall be made be-
fore the thirty first day of January eighteen hundred and
sixteen, if the persons so as aforesaid distressed shall en-
ter into bond in manner aforesaid, the justices so at
aforesaid taking the said bond shall grant a certificate-
thereof to the person or persons so as aforesaid distressed
and the said certificate being delivered to the officer ma-
king the distress, on his being paid, or security being
given for the fees incurred by the said distress, the of.
ficer making the said distress shall, and he is hereby au-
thorised ana directed to return and deliver the goods and
chattels to the person or persons so distressed; Provided
always, that when the rent reserved and contracted to be



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Session Laws, 1814
Volume 633, Page 99   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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