Dec. Sess.
paid, by the forms of the contract, shall consist of a spe-
cific proportion or share of the growth or product of the
land or other thing rented to and occupied by such ten-
ant, such contract, rent or tenant shall not be considered
as coming within the purview of this act or be in any
manner operated upon by the same.
of securities
on bonds—
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
or the executors or administrators of any person to whom
any such bond shall be executed, shall conceive him, her,
or themselves in any danger of suffering from the insuf-
ficiency of security in such bond, it shall and may be
lawful for him, her or them, to apply to the two justices
of the peace before whom the said bond was executed,
or upon the death, removal or disqualification of the
said justices or cither of them, then to any other two
justices, of the peace of the county aforesaid, who may,
if they deem the said application well founded, cause a
notice under their hands and seals, to be served upon the
person or persons, their executors or administrators, by
whom the said bond was given, or left at his, her or their
last place of abode, requiring him, her or them, within a
fixed reasonable time thereafter, to enter into a new bond,
with other security, to be approved of by said justices ;
and upon neglect or failure to comply with the said re-
quisition, then it shall and may be lawful for the said per-
son, or his executors or administrators, to whom the
said bond was executed, to sue immediately on the said
bond, and to distress for the rent for which the same was
given, in the same manner as he, she or they might or
could have done before the passage of this act.
Judgments on
which execu-
tion has been
11. AND BE IT EN ACTED, That in the case of a
judgment on which execution has been stayed under any
former law of this state, the original defendant or de-
fendants in such judgment shall not have, or be entitled to
any benefit of the provision of this act unless the said de-
fendant or defendants shall enter into bond with sufficient
security to be approved of by the judge, justices or justice
(as the case may be,) to indemnity the securities under
such former supersedeas; Provided always, That this
provision shall not extend to any case where said defend-
ant or defendants shall produce to the judge, justices or
justice (as the case may be,) the assent in writing of the
securities on the former supersedeas, their executors or
administrators, to the said defendant or defendants enter-
ing into a new supersedeas under this act; and in any
case of a bond entered into under any former law of this
state to stay proceedings under a decree for foreclosure
and sale of mortgaged property and in any case of bond
heretofore entered into to stay proceedings, under a dis-
tress for rent, the morgagor, his heirs, executors or ad-
ministrators or the tenant or tenants, their executors or
administrators shall not be entitled to the benefit of the
provisions of this act, without the assent in writing, first