the release and discharge from prison of Joshua Hicks
and Ephraim Buckingham or either of them, now con-
fined in the goal of said county, on the said Hicks and
Buckingham respectively entering into the recognizance
required of them respectively by the court of oyer and
terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore county. Pro-
viddd, that such justice shall not require the said Hicks
and Buckingham or either of them to give any security or
securities in such recognizance.
An act relating to Saint Paul's lane in the city of Balti-
more, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly
by the petition if the vestry of Saint Paul's Parish in the
city of Baltimore, and of the proprietors of sundry lots
lying on the east side of Saint Paul's Lane in said city,
that they are mutually desirous of widening and straight-
ening said lane in the manner therein set forth, which
will be a public convenience and ornament to that part
of the city; and for the purpose of carrying into effect
the intentions of the petitioners. Therefore.
Passed Jan.
4, 1815.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That John Cromwell, Peter Hoffman
and William M'Mechin, be, and they are hereby ap-
Eointed commissioners to widen and straighten Saint
Paul's Lane in the city of Baltimore in the direction fol-
lowing, that is to say :— Beginning for the cast side of
Saint Paul's Lane, at the intersection of said lane, as it
now runs, with Dark Lane, thence running northerly
parallel with Courtland street, to Saint Paul's street ;
and beginning for the west side of Saint Paul's lane on
the south side of Saint Paul's street, fifty eight feet west
from the termination of the east side of Saint Paul's
lane as above described, and running southerly, parallel
with the east side thereof to a twenty feet alley which
runs parallel with New Church street, and north there-
from. And the said commissioners are hereby directed
to return a plot, ascertaining the extent and limits of
that part of Saint Paul's lane so widened and straight-
ened to the register of the city of Baltimore, who shall
receive and file the same in his office.
ers, --direction
S. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the title and es-
tate in and to all that part of Saint Paul's lane, as here-
tofore laid out, which lies west of the west side of said
lane, as hereby directed to be laid out, shall be and the
same is here by vested in fee simple in the vestry of Saint
Paul's parish in the city of Baltimore, their successors
and assigns.
Estate vested
in the vestry
of St. Paul's
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the title, es-
tate and interest in and to the ground and premises, in
this section described, shall be and the same are hereby
Title &c. ves-
ted in the com-