Dec. Sess.
and kept in good order as aforesaid, and shall be thereof
lawfully convict, such conviction shall be and the same
is hereby declared to be a forfeiture of the bond which
such contractor may have given for the due performance
of his contract, and upon any suit or suits instituted upon
any such bond after conviction as aforesaid, judgment
shall be rendered for the penalty thereof to be released
upon the payment of such sum of money as such con-
tractor may have received under his contract together
with such damages as shall be assessed by the court.
Warrants of
as contractors.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the clerk of the
county aforesaid be, and he is hereby authorised
and required, within ten days after the said contractors
shall respectively give bond as prescribed by this act,
to make out and deliver to the sheriff of the said county
a warrant of appointment for each of the said contrac-
tors, and the said sheriff shall within ten days thereaf-
ter deliver the said warrants to the respective contrac-
tors, to whom they are directed under the penalty of
twenty dollars upon the sheriff and clerk respectively for
each warrant by them or cither of them neglected to be
delivered as aforesaid.
Duty of con-
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty
of the said contractors respectively to keep all the public
roads within their respective divisions or districts well
and sufficiently cleared and grubbed fit for travelling
twenty feet wide at least, except in such pails there-
of where the levy court shall allow or direct the said
road to be of a less width, and to make and keep good
and substantial bridges over all the heads of rivers,
creeks, branches and swamps where the same shall be
necessary, for the convenient and easy passage of travel-
lers with their waggons, carts, carriages, horses and cat-
tle, and to remove all nuisances or impediments which
may obstruct or annoy their passage, and well and suf-
ficiently to cause-way all and singular such places in and
upon the said roads as shall require the same.
Forfeiture in
cate of neg-
lect of duty.
8. AND BE IT EN ACTED, that if any of the said
contractors shall not well and sufficiently clear, grub,
amend and repair all the public roads within their res-
pective divisions or districts committed to their charge
within a reasonable time after the same shall be out of
repair, or shall not make and keep in repair good and
substantial bridges over the heads of rivers, creeks,
branches and swamps where the same shall be necessa-
ry as aforesaid, or shall not remove all nuisances or im-
pediments from the said roads, or shall not well and suf-
ficiently causeway all and singular places in and upon
the said roads as shall require the same, or shall permit
or suffer any fallen trees or other obstructions to remain
in or across any of the said public roads for the space of
two days after notice thereof, (except in time of wheat har-
vest,) or shall neglect to fell or cause to be felled and re-