levy court of the county aforesaid, or a majority of the
said justices at their first meeting in each and every year
forever thereafter, be, and they are hereby authorised
and required to cause advertisements to be set up at the
most public places of the county aforesaid, giving notice
that the said levy court will upon a certain da; to be
therein named, proceed to contract for the repair of the
public roads in the county aforesaid, and the said levy
court shall meet at the court house in the county afore-
said at the time by them so to be appointed by public no-
tice as aforesaid, and they or a majority of them,
shall then and there proceed to contract separately for
the repair of each and every division or district of pub-
lic roads in the county aforesaid, with such person or per-
sons as shall respectively propose to repair any such di-
vision or district of public roads, agreeably to law for the
smallest sum or sums of money.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of the
levy court aforesaid, or a majority of them be, and they
are hereby authorised and required to levy by equal as-
sessment, upon the assessable property of the county
aforesaid, for the use of each contractor, the sum of mo-
ney, for which such contractor agrees to keep in repair
the division or district of roads for which he may be ap-
pointed contractor as aforesaid.
Ley of ex-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every contrac-
tor for the repair of any division or district of public
roads in the county aforesaid, shall give bond to the jus-
tices of the levy court aforesaid, and their successors,
with such security as shall be approved of by the said
justices conditioned that he will well and faithfully clear,
amend, and keep in good order and repair the division
or district of public roads in Caroline county, beginning
[here insert the division of roads as described
upon the record] agreeably to the provisions and
true intent and meaning of the act of assembly entitled,
"An act to change the mode of repairing the pub-
lic roads in Caroline county," passed at December ses-
sion, in the year eighteen hundred and thirteen; which
said bond or bonds shall be lodged and recorded in the
clerk's office of the county aforesaid, and upon which
suit or suits may be instituted and maintained in the name
of the justices of the levy court of the county aforesaid
for any neglect of duty or noncompliance with the pro-
visions of this act, and all money recovered upon any
such suit or suits shall be applied by the said justices to-
wards defraying the county charges of the said comity.
shall give
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any con-
tractor as aforesaid shall be presented in the county
court of the county aforesaid, for any neglect of duty in
not clearing, amending and keeping in good order and
repair the division or district of public roads in the coun-
ty aforesaid by him contracted to be amended, cleared
Forfeiture of