Dec. Sess.
sessable properly in said county, to be collected as other
county charges are, a sum of money not exceeding thir-
ty dollars, for the maintenance and support of the said
Edward Timmins.
Passed Jan.
8, 1814.
ers. Their du-
ty. A plot to
be returned.
An act to alter straighten and amend the road therein
mentioned in Harford county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That James Steel, William Clark
and John Guyton be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to view the road leading from Nathan
Pyles mill in Harford county, to the road leading from
Peach Bottom ferry to Baltimore, and the said Baltimore
road from thence to and through Stephen Rigdon's lane
as far as his orchard; and they or a majority of them, are
hereby authorised to alter, straighten and amend the
same as they in their judgment shall deem most advan-
tageous for said roads and the inhabitants through which
the same shall or may pass; and the said commissioners
or a majority of them shall survey, mark and bound the
said roads as altered straightened and amended by
them, and a plot thereof with a certificate of the courses
and distances of the same, return to the clerk of the
aforesaid county to be by him recorded.
Amount to be
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners shall ascertain what damages if any, the owner
or owners of land over which the said roads may be laid,
shall or may sustain, for and on account of the same
having been laid through or over their lands, and return
the same under their hands to the levy court of Harford
county, and the said levy court be, and they are hereby
empowered and authorised to assess and levy upon the
assessable property of said county, such sum or sums of
money as shall be ascertained by said commissioners to
be due to the landholders aforesaid, which said sum or
sums of money shall be collected and paid over as other
county charges; and shall also assess such sum of mo-
ney as they in their judgment shall deem necessary for
opening and clearing said roads.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of
Harford county shall appoint one or more overseers to
Open and clear the said road, and when opened, the same
shall thereafter be deemed a public highway, and shall
be kept in repair as other public roads are in said county.
ers' compensa-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners hereby appointed, shall have an allowance of two
dollars for every day they shall severally attend in dis-
charge of the duties herein imposed.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said road
shall not be laid through the yard, orchard or garden of
any person or persons, without first obtaining his, her or
their consent.