Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for David
Kephart, Henry Swoope, Jacob Bufinton, John Grubb,
Henry Rinedollar, Peter Hawn, Abraham Rick, George
Maring, Joseph Shunk, Ludwick Rudicil, Michael Null,
junior, and Abraham Lichtawalter, or a majority of them,
that undertake to act under this law, to propose a scheme
or schemes of a lottery or lotteries for raising a sum of
money, not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars,
and sell and dispose of the tickets in said lottery or lotte-
ries, and to draw the same; Provided, That the said
David Kephart, Henry Swoope, Jacob Bufinton, John
Grubb, Henry Rinedollar, Peter Hawn, Abraham Rick,
George Maring, Joseph Shunk, Ludwick Rudicil, Mi-
chael Null, junior, and Abraham Lichtawalter, or a
majority of them, that undertake to act under this law,
shall, before the sale or disposal of any ticket or tickets
in said lottery, give their bond to the state of Maryland,
in the penalty of five thousand dollars, conditioned, that
they will well and truly apply so much money arising
therefrom, within twelve months after the drawing of the
said lottery shall be completed, as will satisfy the fortu-
nate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and after
deducting the necessary expenses incurred in said lot-
tery, shall, within eighteen months after the drawing of
said lottery or lotteries shall be completed, apply the mo-
ers — a scheme
or schemes
may be propo-
sed — a sum to
be raised, not
exceeding 2500
dollars — com-
missioners to
give bond.