11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the original sub-
scribers to this association, and the assignees, transfer-
rees, and legal representatives of all such original sub-
scribers, forever, shall be taken and deemed, to all in-
tents and purposes, to be members of the company, and
shall be entitled to all the rights, benefits and advantages
to arise in any manner therefrom, or from the property,
works and capital stock thereof, (subject to the original
agreement aforesaid) in proportion to the amount of
Original sub-
scribers to be
members of the
their stock and interest respectively; Provided, That no
transfer or assignments of the said stock shall be valid,
unless it be made on the books of the company, and in
such manner as the president and directors or a majority
of them shall appoint, and every person or persons having
so transferred or assigned the whole of his, her, or their
interest and slock in the company, shall hereafter cease
to be a member or members of the said company to all
intents and purposes.
An act authorising a partition of the lands therein men-
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
WHEREAS the two tracts of land called Baltimore's
Gift and Partnership, situate on Apeteague Island, in
Worcester county, were originally held by a number of
proprietors as tenants in common, and by the death of
tome and the alienations of others, the said tracts have
become the property of so many persons, that several
of the original holders thereof cannot ascertain to whom
those several subdivisions belong, in order to effect a
partition thereof in the ordinary course of law: There-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful lor
the county court of Worcester, and they are hereby re
quired on the petition in writing of any of the parties
entitled to both or either of the said tracts of land forth-
with, to issue a commission to five discreet and sensible
men of the said county, not interested in said lands or
related to the owners thereof, who, or a majority of
whom, before they act, shall take an oath before some
judge or justice, to be annexed to the commission,
"well and truly without favor or partiality, to divide
the said tracts of land (or either of them, as the ease
may be) fairly and equally among the original parties
interested according to their just proportions and the
provisions of this act " And they or a majority of them
shall give public notice at the court house door of the
said county, and such other public notice as the said
court shall direct, of the time and place of their meeting,
at least sixty days previous to such meeting.
County court
to issue a com-
mission. Oath.