such road, on both sides whereof shall he inscribed in
legible characters, the name of the town or place to which
such road leads, and the distance thereof in measured
or computed miles, and shall also cause mile-stones to
be placed on the side of the said turnpike road, to desig-
nate the distances to and from the principal places there-
on, and also shall cause to be affixed on the gates to be
erected for the information of travellers and others using
the said road, a printed list of the rates of toll, which
from time to time may be lawfully demanded; and if at
the end of three years, after the said first section of five
miles, and every like succeeding section of the said road
shall have been completed, it shall appear that the said
clear income and profits will not yield a dividend of six
per centum per annum on the capital stock so expended
from the time of investing the same, then it shall and
may be lawful for the president and managers to increase
the tolls herein before allowed so much on each and every
allowance thereof, as will raise the said dividend up to
six per centum per annum; and if at any time it shall ap
pear by the said abstract that the said income and profits
will yield a dividend exceeding ten per centum per an-
num, then the said toll shall be so reduced as to reduce
the dividend down to ten per centum per annum.
thority aforesaid,That it any person or persons shall wil-
fully break, deface, pull up, or prostrate any mile-stone or
mile post which shall be placed in pursuance of this act on
the side of the said road, or shall obliterate the letters or figures
inscribed thereon, or shall wilfully break, pull down,
deface, destroy or injure any direction post which shall
be erected in pursuance, of this act, at the intersection of
any road as aforesaid, or the board or index hand affixed
thereto in conformity with the directions of this act, or
shall obliterate the letters or figures inscribed or marked
thereon, or destroy, deface or obliterate the letters, figures or
other characters marked at any turnpike or gate, which
shall be erected in pursuance of this act, for all or any of the
purposes therein mentioned, or the whole or any part
or any printed list of the rates of tolls which shall be
fixed in pursuance of the directions of this act, at such
gate or turnpike, he or they so offending in the premi-
ses, shall, and each of them shall for every such offence,
severally and respectively forfeit and pay to the said pre-
sident, managers and company, the sum of twenty dol-
lars, to be sued for and recovered, with costs of suit, be-
fore any justice of the peace in manner aforesaid.
Persons de-
facing any
mile stone, &c.
thority aforesaid, That all waggoners, carters and dri-
vers of carriages of all kinds, whether of burden or
pleasure, using tile said road, shall except when overta-
king and passing by a carriage of slower draught, keep
their horses and carriages on the right hand side of the
&c shall keep
the right hand
side. Penalty
for neglect.