" Split Six " coal, 139.
Slates, 188.
State Aid, allotment of, to counties, 296,
intention of, 395.
State Aid Road Law, 295.
constitutionality tested, 303.
summary of work under, 406, 415.
State highway contracts, 311.
Sterrett, W. D., 27, 28.
Stones River limestone, 130.
Sunderland formation, 97, 160.
Sunderland terrace, 61.
Surveys of State properties, 291, 368.
Susquehanna Canal, 82.
Swartz, C. K., 27, 28.
Sykesville, water power survey at, 294.
Table showing origin of county names,
Table showing road expenditures, 407.
Talbot County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 556.
history of formation of, 553.
population of, 33.
- road work in, 362.
Talbot formation, 97, 162.
Talbot terrace, 65.
Temperature, 224.
Terra cotta clays, 194.
Terrestrial magnetism of Maryland, 241.
Terraces in Coastal Plain, 58.
Tertiary period, 153.
Tests of road metals, 399.
Tomstown limestone, 129.
Triassic period, 121.
Triassic sandstones, 184.
characteristic fossils of, 255.
Tripoli, 203.
Tuscarora formation, 131.
Tuscarora sandstone, 187.
Tyson, P. T., 44, 47, 141.
Uhler, P. R., 48.
Uniontown coal, 141.
"Uniontown sandstone, 141.
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 47.
U. S. Geological Survey, 50.
U. S. Weather Bureau, 51.
Upper Cambridge limestone, 140.
Upper Cretaceous, 1501
Upper Connoquenessing sandstone, 139.
Upper Freeport coal, 139.
Upper Freeport limestone, 139.
Upper Freeport sandstone, 139.
Upper Jurassic (?), 146.
Upper Kittanning coal, 139.
Upper Mahoning sandstone, 140.
Upper Mercer coal, 139.
Upper Sewickley coal, 141.
Upper Washington limestone, 142.
Value of Maryland's mineral resources,
" Verde Antique," 181.
Warfield, Edwin, 282.
Warren Road, 371.
Washington coal, 142.
Washington County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 559.
history of formation of, 557.
population of, 33.
road work in, 363.
Water power survey at Sykesville, 294.
Waynesboro shale and sandstone, 129.
Waynesburg coal, 141.
Waynesburg " A " coal, 142.
Waynesburg limestone, 141.
Waynesburg sandstone, 142.
Webster, A. L., 49.
Weverton formation, 127.
Weverton Peneplain, 76, 87.
Weverton sandstone discussed, 121.
White Medina sandstone, 131.
White, I. C, 142.
Wicomico County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 563.
history of formation of, 562.
population of, 33.
Wicomico formation, 97, 161.
Wicomico terrace, 63.
Wissahickon phyllites and schists, 110.
Williams, G. H., 49, 104, 112.
Woodstock granite, 175.
Worcester County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 568.
history of formation of, 566.
population of, 33.
road work in, 365.
Worcester County (old), 422, 566.
Zinc, 207.