Physical features of Maryland, 29.
history of investigations of, 40.
Physiography of Maryland, 55.
Piedmont Plateau of Maryland, 73.
formations of, 105, 119.
forestry of, 248.
geology of, 100.
peneplains of, 74.
soils of, 80.
streams of, 81.
Pittsburg coal, 141.
Pliocene, 158.
Pleistocene, 160.
characteristic fossils of, 259.
Pocono formation, 137.
Population by counties, 33.
by decades, 34.
Porcelain materials, 196.
Portage member, 136.
Port Deposit granite, 173.
Potomac County, 539.
Potomac group, 97, 146, 149.
" Potomac " marble, 180.
Pottery clays, 195.
Pottsville formation, 97, 138.
Precipitation, 230, 234.
Prince George's County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 527.
history of formation of, 525.
population of, 33.
road work in, 357.
Providence County, 436.
Pyroxenite, 116.
Quakertown coal, 139.
Quartzites discussed, 120.
Quaternary period, 160.
Queen Anne's County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 535.
history of formation of, 534.
population of, 33.
road work in, 359.
Rancocas formation, 97, 153.
Raritan formation, 97, 150.
Recent deposits, 164.
Red Medina sandstone, 130.
Redstone coal, 141.
Redstone limestone, 141.
Road expenditures, 407.
Road machinery, 398.
Road materials, 204.
Road work under State Aid law, 406.
Rockwo.od formation, 131.
Romney formation, 134.
Rogers, H. D., 46.
Rogers, W. B., 46.
Recent terrace, 66.
Rutherford, E., 95.
St. Louis Exposition, 270.
awards at, 275.
exhibits at, 270.
St. Mary's County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 540.
history of formation of, 538.
population of, 33.
road work in, 362.
St. Mary's formation, 97, 157.
Salina member, 132.
Saltsburg sandstone, 140.
Sand clay roads, 388.
Sands, 199.
Sandstones, 184.
Savage formation, 139.
Say, Thomas, 44.
Scarboro and Calvert Line, 32.
Schooley Peneplain, 75, 87.
Sedimentary rocks, 120, 126.
Seneca red sandstone, 184.
Serpentine, 116, 181.
Setters Quartzite, 107.
Sewer-pipe clays, 194.
Sewickley limestone, 141.
Sewickley sandstone, 141.
Sharon coal, 139.
Sharon sandstone, 139.
Shattuck, G. B., 27, 28.
Shell roads, 386.
Shenandoah formation, 128, 129.
Shenandoah limestone, 121.
Shirley, H. G., 285.
Shriver, James, 44.
Silica discussed, 203.
Silurian period, 130.
characteristic fossils of, 253.
" Six-foot " coal, 139.
Size of Maryland, 32.
Slates, 113, 189.
Smith, Captain John, 40.
Snow Hill, road work in, 371.
Soapstone, 208.
Soils of Maryland, 209.
Somerset County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election districts of, 546.
history of formation of, 542.
population of, 33.
Somerville Peneplain, 78, 89,
South Carolina, Interstate, and West
Indian Exposition, 267.
awards at, 269.
exhibits at, 267.
Southern Maryland, soils of, 214.