the peace in the county wherein such offence shall or may be com-
mitted, shall pay a fine of not more than ten dollars, nor less than
one dollar, at the discretion of such justices with costs; and shall be,
and stand committed until payment of the same be made: such
fines to he paid over to the collector fur the use of the levy court of
the county in which such offence shall or may be committed.
Dec. Ses. 1824
6. And he it enacted, That any thing contained in any existing
laws contrary to the provisions of this act, be, and the same is
hereby repealed.
An act ceding to the United States the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland,
in, to, and over certain lands on Thomas' Point and Hook's Island.
Whereas, it hath been represented to the general assembly, that
by virtue of an act of Congress passed May the sixth, eighteen
hundred and twenty four, entitled, "An act to authorise the build-
ing of light houses, light vessels and beacons therein mentioned,
and for other purpose," the agent of the United States has pur-
chased or contracted for the purchase of the necessary quantity of
land for the erection of a light house on Poole's Island, and ano-
ther on Thomas' Point; And whereas, thin legislature duly appre-
ciates the great advantages resulting from the erection of light
houses, and is desirous to promote the completion of so useful an
object; Therefore,
Passed Jan.
13, 1825.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
right of jurisdiction of the state of Maryland, in and over the land
purchased by the United States from Jeremiah Townley Chase,
and conveyed by deed, bearing date the twenty sixth day of Au-
gust eighteen hundred and twenty four, and recorded among the
land records of Anne Arundel county, in liber W. S. G. No. 10,
folio four hundred and eighteen, four hundred and nineteen, and
four hundred and twenty, and also the right of jurisdiction, in, and
over the land purchased, or to be purchased from Peregrine Weth-
ered on Poole's Island, be, and the same are hereby relinquished,
ceded, and made over to the United States, for the purposes afore-
An act for the relief of John C. King, of the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city and coun-
ty of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised and empower-
ed to grant to John C. King of said city, the benefits of the seve-
ral acts of assembly, passed for the relief of insolvent debtors;
Provided, the said King shall in all respects (except that of resi-
dence") comply with the requisitions of said acts of assembly, and
that he satisfy the said commissioners that he did not return to this
state with the view of obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent
Passed Jan.
21, 1825.
2. And be it enacted, That in case the said King shall be unable
to give security fur his appearance as required by the insolvent
law, the commissioners shall nevertheless proceed with the exam-
ination of his case; Provided, that his creditor or creditors shall be
law extend-