laws of Maryland.
and twenty-four, bearing the same title as the present act; and
whereas, said company had previous to the last mentioned act, im-
posed sundry fines, and contracted sundry debts which remained
uncollected and unpaid at that period, which fines cannot now be
collected by said company, in as much as the corporate capacity
thereof has ceased to exist: and whereas, there are no funds for the
payment of the debts of said company, Unless said fines are col-
lected; therefore,
Dec. Ses. 1824
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the moderator and other commissioners of Hagers-Town, be,
and they are hereby invested with power and authority to sue for
and collect in the name of "The Hagers-town Fire Company," for
the use of the said moderator and commissioners, all fines Which
were imposed by said fire company, previous to the passage of the
last aforesaid act; and when collected to apply said fines to the dis-
charge of the debts due by said fire company; and if any surplus
remain after payment of the said debts, to appropriate the same to
the use of the fire companies that have been organized in Hagers-
town, by an ordinance passed by said Moderator and commission-
ers thereof, in pursuance of the said last mentioned act.
to collect
tions thereof.
2. And be it further enacted, That after the said fines shall have
been collected, or so much thereof as can be: if there should not
be a sufficiency to pay the debts due and owing by said company;
then the said moderator and commissioners are hereby empowered
and authorised to levy and collect from the taxable inhabitants of
Hagers-town, such sum of money as may be necessary to enable
them to discharge the whole of the debts due by said company;
and when so collected, to apply the same in discharge of said
Levy author-
ised for defi-
An act to incorporate the United Beneficial Society of Baltimore.
Whereas, Maybury Parks, John S. Reese, Cyrus Davis, Abra-
ham Sliver, Alexander Gaddes, Elias Ford, George C. Addison,
David Whitson, Samuel Clayton, John Davis and others, have
formed themselves into a society, for the laudable purpose of af-
fording relief to each other and their respective families, in the
event of sickness, distress and death; and have prayed an act of
incorporation, that they may the better execute their intentions; and
the Legislature being desirous of promoting such useful institu-
tions: Therefore,
Passed Jan.
26, 1825.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Maybury Parks, John S. Reese, Cyrus Davis, Abraham Sli-
ver, Alexander Gaddes, Elias Ford, George C. Addison, David
Whitson, Samuel Clayton, John Davis and others, that now are,
or may hereafter become members of the said corporation herein
erected; or may be admitted into the said corporation, agreeably
to the constitution, rules and by-laws of the same, and their suc-
cessors, are hereby declared to be one community, corporation and
body politic forever by the name, style and title of the United Benefi-
cial Society of Baltimore; provided nevertheless, that the said
corporation may be dissolved at any time by the consent of its
members as is herein after provided.