power of electing commissioners shall not therefore cease, but
the right and power of said inhabitants of said village, in that res-
pect, shall continue the same as though such election had been
made; and the president and commissioners for the time being,
shall continue and remain in office, with like power and authority,
until such election shall be held as aforesaid.
Dec. Ses. 1824
9. And be it enacted, That the limits of said village of Port De-
posit, shall commence on the river Susquehanna at the mouth of
Rock Run, and extend a quarter of a mile in an easterly direction
up the said run, then in a line parallel with the river, until it strikes
a run called Cully's run, then down the said run until it strikes the
river, and then by and with the said river, to the place of beginning.
10. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, shall have power to appoint a clerk, and assign his
duties, and allow him such compensation for his services as they
may think proper; and that all ordinances passed by the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, shall by their clerk, be entered
in a book to be kept by him for that purpose; and shall be open at
all times for the inspection of any person interested, and copies of
all ordinances shall be put up in the most public places of said vil-
lage, that the same may be generally made known.
Clerks— re-
11. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall have
power and authority to determine upon and regulate all matters
relating to the erecting or building of wharfs in the said village;
to regulate the mooving of rafts, arks and boats, and to prevent
all nuisances and obstructions from being placed on the waters of
the said river Susquehanna, in front of said village.
12. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall have
full power and authority to levy and collect tuxes in said village,
not exceeding in any one year thirty cents in the hundred dollars
on the assessable property of said village, and for the purpose of
making said levy, they shall once in every three years or oftener,
if they think proper, appoint an assessor, who shall under oath,
value, appraise and assess the property in said village, in the same
manner and with like authority as county assessors proceed to as-
sess in the county; Provided always, that in assessing any of the
lands within the limits of said village, which may be occupied and
used as farms, or may be a part or parts of farms, that then such
lands shall be valued and assessed as lots of ten acres of ground,
with the buildings and improvements thereon, and shall not be
valued and assessed by the number of acres in said farms, or part
or parts of farms.
13. And be it enacted, That if any of the owners of property as-
sessed within said village, shall conceive themselves aggrieved by
the assessment so as aforesaid made by said assessors, they may
appeal to the said president and commissioners, who shall have
power and authority to make such deduction for the valuation of
their property, as to them shall seem reasonable and just.
14. And be it enacted, That each and every of the proprietors
of lots binding on and entitled to the privileges of the water in
said village, shall be, and are hereby permitted to wharf out, ex-
tend and improve the whole front of their several lots respectively,
and for such distance, as from time to time, they may think fit, and
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