Dec. Ses. 1824
impleaded, grant, receive, and do all other acts, as natural persons,
and may purchase and hold real, personal and mixed property, or
dispose of the same for the benefit of the said village, and may
have and use a common seal, which may be broken or altered at
Election of
2. And be it enacted, That all free white male citizens of the vil-
lage of Port Deposit aforesaid, above twenty one years of age,
who shall have bona fide resided in said village, for and during the
space of sis months, and twelve months in the state, next preceding
the election, shall on the last Monday in February next, at the
House now occupied as a tavern by Daniel Megredy, and on the
last Monday in February in each and every year hereafter, at
such house as shall hereafter be designated as the town hall by
the municipality, be authorised to elect five judicious and discreet
persons commissioners for the said village, and who shall have
resided within the limits of the said village, for at least twelve
months next proceeding the election.
Judges of
3. And be it enacted, That any justice of the peace for the coun-
ty aforesaid, shall in the first instance, be the judge of the Said
election, who shall open the polls at two o'clock, P. M. and close
the same at eight o'clock, P. M and shall return his certificate of
the persons elected to the said commissioners on the clay first ap-
pointed for their meeting, and the same shall be filed and recorded
among their proceedings.
Future elec-
4. And be it enacted, That all future elections shall be held and
conducted as shall be, from time to time, directed by the by-laws
of the corporation, the same not being inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this act.
ers oath.
5. And be it enacted, That every commissioner to be appointed
in pursuance of this act, before he shall proceed to execute his of-
fice, shall take an oath or affirmation before some justice of the
peace of the county, that he will diligently and faithfully, accord-
ing to the best of his judgment, perform the duties of a commis-
sioner of the said village, according to the directions of this act,
without favor, partiality or prejudice, and a certificate of such
qualification, shall be made and returned by such justice of the
peace to the said commissioners, to be filed and recorded among
their proceedings.
Choose Pre-
sident, &c.
6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners so elected, shall
have power and authority to meet and adjourn, from time to time,
as they shall see fit, and shall on the first meeting after said elec-
tion, choose from their own body, a president, who shall preside
at all meetings of the commissioners, vote on all questions before
them, and remain in office until superseded by the appointment of
a new president after a new election of commissioners as aforesaid.
7. And be it enacted, That if any of the commissioners during
the year for which he or they may be elected, should die, resign,
remove from said village, or be non compos, or otherwise disqual-
ified, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held, at which all per-
sons qualified as is specified in the second section of this act, shall
be entitled to vote.
Neglect to
8. And be it enacted, That should the inhabitants at any time
neglect to make an election at the times required by this act, the