Dec. Ses. 1824
said town, or in any manner become incapable of acting as such,
the remaining commissioners shall fill the vacancy so produced, by
choosing and electing some person qualified us is herein before di-
rected; and such person so chosen, shall act as commissioner, un-
til the next general election.
Limit of fines
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That no ordinance of the said cor-
poration shall impose a fine of more than ten dollars for any of-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the burgess and commissioners
aforesaid, shall take an oath, before a justice of the peace of Fre-
derick county, before they proceed to the execution of their several
duties, to act without favor, partiality or affection, in all things
appertaining to their respective trusts.
Passed Jan.
14, 1825.
Deed of re-
lease author-
An act for the relief of Catherine Hyatt, of Washington county.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the Hager's
Town academy, if in their judgment they deem it advisable, to re-
lease and convey by deed executed by their president, to the said
Catherine Hyatt, all the right, title, claim and interest of the Ha-
ger's Town academy, of, in and unto the personal estate of Israel
Zimmerman, late of Washington county, deceased.
Right of suc-
2. And be it enacted, That upon the execution of such deed of
release, the right of succession to the personal estate of the said
Israel Zimmerman, shall be vested in the said Catherine Hyatt as
fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if her said child
Israel Zimmerman had been lawfully born in wedlock; and that it
shall be the duty of the administrator of the said deceased, to de-
liver and pay over to the said Catherine Hyatt, the personal estate
of the said deceased, after paying the debts of the said Israel Zim-
merman and the costs and charges of the administration.
Passed Jan.
14, 1825.
An act for the relief of Osborn Sprigg.
Whereas, it is represented to the general assembly of Mary-
land, by the petition of Osborn Sprigg, that he is now, and has
been for nearly two months last past confined in the jail of Al-
legany county for debt, and for no other cause whatever; and that
he is precluded from the benefits and privileges of the insolvent
laws of Maryland from the want of citizenship, or the necessary
previous residence within the state of Maryland; And whereas, the
peculiar circumstances attendant upon his case, and the apparent
absence of all fraud or intention on the part of the petitioner to
evade the payment of his debts by coming into the state of Mary-
land, render it right and proper that as relates to the said Osborn
Sprigg, the general prerequisite of residence for two years within
this state should be dispensed with; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
said Osborn Sprigg be, and he is hereby authorised and enabled
to avail himself of all the benefits and privileges of the insolvent
laws of Maryland, in the same manner as though he were a citi-
zen of the state of Maryland; and that the court, or judge, as the