Dec. Ses. 1824.
Penalty for
issuing pro-
cess without
no such justice of the peace shall issue any writ of replevin, un-
der and by virtue of this act, without first requiring of the party
or parties applying for the same to give bond with security, to be
approved of by the said justice in double the amount of the value
of goods and chattels intended to be replevied with the like con-
dition, as is now inserted in replevin bonds.
6. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any justice
of the peace in said city, in any of the aforesaid cases; or in any
case of debt or damages whatever to issue a warrant or execution,
except on application for the same by the plaintiff or his attorney
in person, or by writing, accompanied with the cause or causes
of action in said case; and if any justice of the peace of said city,
shall issue a warrant or execution contrary to the provisions of this
act; or if any constable shall serve the same knowingly, such jus-
tice or constable shall be liable to indictment in Baltimore city
court; and on conviction, shall be disabled from holding his res-
pective office.
7. And be it enacted, That in all cases of judgments under this
act, either party may have a right to appeal from any such judg-
ment to Baltimore county court, us from other judgments, and to
supersede the same, and shall be entitled to all the privileges, to
which by law, either party is entitled, in all other cases over which
justices of the peace in said city have jurisdiction.
8. And be it enacted, That each justice in and for the said city,
shall be entitled to receive for each oath or affirmation, he shall ad-
minister six and one quarter cents, for every probat, six and one
quarter cents; for writing each probat to account, six and one quar-
ter cents; for taking replevin bond, twenty-five cents; for render-
ing judgment, twenty-five cents; in all claims above fifty dollars,
for issuing execution in such claims, twenty-five cents; for issuing a
writ of scire facias in such claims, twenty-five cents; for certificate of
supersedes, twelve and a half cents; search of docket or transcript
of the same, twelve and a half cents.
9. And be it enacted, That any clause, matter of thing in the
original act, of which this is a supplement, or in any other act con-
trary to the provisions of this act, be, and the same it hereby re-
Passed Feb.
25 1825.
An act to explain and amend the act entitled, "An Act to tax certain offi-
Whereas, it would seem from the expressions used in the act,
entitled, "An Act to tax certain offices," passed at the last session,
that the several officers are to pay a tax, if the amount received
by them respectively, in the one half of any year, shall exceed at
the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, although the amount
by them respectively received for the other half of said year, may
not amount together with the receipts of the first half year, to above
the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum; and whereas the ob-
vious intention of the Legislature was that a tax should only be paid
on such sum of money us should be received by any of the said offi-
cers for fees accruing, due in any one year over and above the sum
of fifteen hundred dollars; Therefore,