Dec. Ses. 1824
Prince Geor-
Queen Anns.
In Allegany.
five dollars; for Ann Lusby, twenty-five dollars; for Rebecca Du-
vall, twenty-five dollars; for Sarah Mitchell, twenty-five dollars;
for Catharine Plane, 825, for Edward Smith, $25; for Willey
Phipps, in behalf of herself and infant children, twenty-five dol-
lars; for Anna Hobbs, twenty-five dollars; for Ceney Rigby,
twenty-five dollars; and for James Searly, an orphan boy, twenty
dollars, payable to William Brown; payable to themselves, or their
orders respectively, except in the case of Elizabeth Howard,
payable to William Shipley for her use. In Prince Georges county,
for Eleanor Suit, twenty-five dollars; for Elizabeth Robey, twenty
dollars; for Nottey Maddox, and Ann his wife, forty dollars, for
the support of their three grand children, orphans of Nottey
Maddox, junior; for David Jones, twenty dollars; for Mildred
Thompson, twenty dollars; for Elizabeth Fowler, forty dollars,
and in case of her death, to continue the same to the use of her chil-
dren; for Sarah Johnson, twenty dollars; for Mary Whitmore
twenty dollars, payable to themselves or their orders respectively.
In Worcester county, for Nancy Webdell, and her afflicted son
thirty dollars; for Levin Briddle, thirty dollars, payable to them-
selves or their orders respectively; and for Mary Adkins and her
son George Adkins, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less
than twenty dollars, payable to the said Mary Adkins or her order,
and in case of her death, to be paid to such person as the levy
court may think proper to receive the same, for the support of her
son George Adkins. In Caroline county, for John Driggis, twenty-
five dollars, payable to himself or his son. In Kent county, for
Elizabeth Spangles, thirty dollars; for Teresa Carroll, thirty dol-
lars; for Elizabeth Worton, twenty-five dollars; for James Mun-
gar, thirty dollars; for John Ryland, thirty dollars, and for Mary
Lynch, thirty dollars, payable to themselves or their orders respec-
tively. In Calvert county, for George Bowen, Sarah Bowen, and
Eliza Bowen, infant children, of Elizabeth Bowen, payable to Jes-
se Bowen, for said childrens use, sixty dollars; for James Avis,
twenty dollars; for John Goodwin, thirty dollars; for William
Gardner, twenty dollars; for John Kyler, twenty dollars, payable
to themselves or their orders respectively, except as above directed.
In Queen Anns comity, for Joseph Rodness, thirty dollars, pay-
able to himself or his order. In Cecil county, for Stephen Shea, thir-
ty dollars; for John Maloy, twenty dollars; for Thomas Simmons,
thirty dollars, payable to themselves or their orders respectively;
for Joseph Woods and Mary his wife, the sum of forty dollars;
for David Owens, twenty dollars, payable to such person or per-
sons as the levy court may think proper to receive the same, to be
applied to their use and support respectively. In Washington
county, for Samuel Yacle, and Jacob Yacle, children of George
Yacle, thirty dollars, each, payable to Daniel Hughet, and Marina-
duke W. Boyd, for their use, and to be accounted for by them.
In Allegany county, for William Wilson, thirty dollars, to be
paid to him or his order.