An act for the benefit of Jonathan Neale Laughlin, and his heirs.
Whereas, Jonathan Neale Laughlin is now in possession of a
tract of land in Anne Arundel county, by the last will and testa-
ment of George Neale of said county, which land was left by the
said George Neale to Jonathan Neale Laughlin, and after his death
to his sister and to the heirs of her body, and she having died
without heirs, the said land on the death of Jonathan Neale Laugh-
lin will be ome escheated to this state; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
the fight, title, interest and estate which the state of Maryland
may now have or hereafter have upon the decease of Jonathan
N. Laughlin in and to the said land, be, and the same are hereby
released, granted and confirmed to Jonathan Neale Laughlin, and
to his heirs forever.
Dec. Ses. 1824
Passed Feb.
25, 1865.
States right
to escheat—
An act to confirm to the Vestry of Port Tobacco Parish, and their succes-
sors, the right to a Lot of Land therein mentioned.
Whereas, it is represented to this general assembly by the vestry
of Port Tobacco Parish, in Charles county, that a lot of land con-
taining two acres, three rods and thirty perches, upon which a new
church in the upper part of said Parish is erected, is vacant; And
whereas, a church hath stood upon the said lot of land for nearly
a century past, and the vestry of said Parish has used and exercised
ownership over the said lot of land, without molestation for the
said period, and have prayed this legislature to pass an act con-
firming to .the said vestry and their successors the right to the said
lot of land; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the .General Assembly of Maryland, That the
right of the state to a vacant lot of land situate and lying between
two traces of land in Charles county, one called the Widow's
Pleasure, the other Pheasant Fields, containing two acres, three
rods and thirty perches; upon which the new church in the upper
part of Port Tobacco Parish is erected, be, and the same is hereby
released to the vestry of Port Tobacco Parish and their successors,
and that their right and title to the said lot of vacant land is here-
by confirmed and made valid to all intents and purposes; Provided
however, that nothing herein contained be so construed as to affect
rights already acquired to the said vacant lot of land.
Passed Feb.
26, 1825.
Rights vest-
A supplement to an act entitled, An act relating to Salted Fish brought to
the City of Baltimore, passed at December Session, eighteen hundred and
twenty three, chapter two hundred and three.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawfull for any person or persons to land
salted fish for inspection, sale or storage, on any public wharf, or
with the consent of the owner of any private wharf in the city of
Baltimore, except from the first day of June to the first day of No-
vember in each and every year, and that from the first day of June to
the first day of November, every merchant dealing in fish in the
city of Baltimore, be allowed to have in his warehouse, or on his
premises, at any one time, forty eight barrels of merchantable fish,
and no more.
Passed Feb.
22, 1825.
Landing au-
48 barrels in