Dec. Ses. 1824
Passed Feb.
24, 1825.
A supplement to an act entitled. An act taxing or licensing certain dealers in
lottery tickets and others, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-two, chapter two hundred and thirty-two.
Whereas, doubts are entertained whether under the act to which
this is a, supplement, permission is not given to keep more than
one office or place for the sale of lottery tickets by obtaining a
license as therein directed; and it is necessary to remove these
doubts; Therefore,
More than
one office for-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
license directed to be obtained by the act to which this is a supple-
ment, shall not be construed to confer the privilege of using more
than one office or place either by the person himself to whom the
license is granted, his agent or partner, for selling any ticket or
tickets in any lottery or lotteries authorised or not authorised, by
any law of this state.
Passed Feb.
24, 1825.
ers to deter-
An act relating to a public landing and wharf, at a place commonly called
the Ship Yard, in Kent County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That William Crane, Samuel Wickes, Frederick Wilson, Thomas
Miller, Thomas B. Hynson, Howard Kennard, Captain Thomas
Harris, Doctor Thomas Wilson, and Isaac Caulk, be, and they are
hereby appointed commissioners to meet, on or before the fifteenth
day of May in the present year, at a place commonly called the
Ship Yard, lying on the waters of the north west branch of Lang-
ford's Ha)-, in Kent county, to examine and determine whether
the public convenience requires that a public landing and wharf
shall be established at the said place.
To survey,
mark, and
2. And be it enacted, That if in the opinion of the said com-
missioners or a majority of them, the public convenience does re-
quire a public landing to be established at the said place, they or a
majority of them are hereby authorised and required to survey,
mark and bound, for a public landing at or near the aforesaid
place, a piece of ground not exceeding in quantity one acre.
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said com-
missioners or a majority of them to return, immediately after they
have caused the said piece of ground to be surveyed, marked and
bounded, to the clerk of the county court of Kent county, a plat
thereof, and also a certificate stating the amount of damages sus-
tained by any person or persons on whose land or premises the said
public landing may be established; and the said clerk is hereby au-
thorised and required to preserve and record the said documents.
Locate road.
4. And be it enacted, That if the public read now leading to
the said place commonly called the Ship Yard, shall be found not
to extend to the piece of ground to be laid off in manner aforesaid,
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby autho-
rised and required to locate and extend the said road to the said
piece of ground in such manner as they or a majority of them may
deem most conducive to the public convenience.
Erect wharf.
5. And be it enacted, That if the said commissioners or a ma-
jority of them, shall be of opinion that the public convenience re-