Dec. Ses.. 1823
on the property within the limits of the said town to such amount is
may from time to time be deemed necessary to accomplish the pur-
poses aforesaid, which tax shall be collected and paid to the said Bur-
gess and Commissioners by a collector by them appointed, who shall
have the same power to destrain therefor, as the collector of the pub-
lic county assessment has to destrain for the same, and that the said
Burgess and Commissioners shall fix the term of office, responsibility
and compensation of such collector.
Passed Feb.
12, 1824.
An act ;to prevent the vending of Liquors, Fruit and other articles, within two
miles of any Methodist Camp or Quarterly Meeting in Dorchester county,
and to suppress riotous and disorderly behaviour at those places in said county.
Whereas, the Methodist Society hath at different times sustained
great disturbance and vexation at their camp and quarterly meetings
from the conduct of licentious persons who attend their meetings:
ami whereas, the existing laws on the subject are found by experience
to be inadequate to prevent the evil complained of, an evil which not.
only prevents the decorous observance of public worship, as practised
by the said society, but has drawn down upon it the censure of the
public for immoralities practised by disorderly and irreligious persons
at said meetings which the society aforesaid have hitherto made every
effort in their power to prevent in vain—Therefore,
Offence &
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
whoever after the passage of this act shall erect a booth for the pur-
pose of selling, or who shall from a waggon, cart or carriage or ves-
sel, or in any manner whatever, sell or dispose of any liquor, fruit,
cakes, oysters, or other eatables within two miles of any camp or
quarterly meeting hereafter held in Dorchester county, without
having first obtained written permission signed by the managers or
chief manager of the camp or quarterly meeting within two miles of
which either of said articles shall be sold, shall forfeit for the first of-
fence the sum of five dollars, for the second offence ten dollars, and
for each succeeding offence the sum of twenty dollars, to be recover-
ed by the managers of the camp or quarterly meeting, within two
miles of which such offence or offences may be committed, before any
justice of the peace in the county where the offence may be commit-
ted, in the same manner as small debts out of court are now recover-
ed, and the penalty for said offences, when recovered shall be paid
over to the clerk of the county for the use of said county.
County clerk
to account.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the
county upon the reception of any fines imposed and recovered by vir-
tue of this act, to inform the Levy court of the county when they meet
to lay the assessment of the county, of the amount of fines received by
virtue of this act, and the same shall be paid over to the collector by
the clerk.
3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act shall be construed to
hinder any ordinary keeper, or licensed retailer from selling liquors
and other things in their respective dwelling houses or stores.
Passed Feb.
11, 1824.
A supplement to the act entitled, an act; for the benefit of the Children of Sam-
uel Colston, of Talbot county.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act entitled, an act for the benefit of the children of Samuel Cols-
ton, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-three,
be and the same is hereby extended to all such land or parcels of land