Dec. Ses. 1823
Levy of ex-
3. And be it enacted, That upon the said list so adjusted, the levy
court of Harford county shall forthwith assess, levy and collect the
several sums as therein stated, and from the persons or property as
therein mentioned respectively, and the same hold subject to be paid
over to the order of, and as drawn for by the said commissioners
for the performing and accomplishing of the work aforesaid, and the
damages and expenses incident thereto.
Rules and re-
4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners after the com-
pletion of the work aforesaid, shall form such rules for the well re-
gulating of the fisheries in said creek, and for the exercise of the
rights and privileges to be enjoyed with respect thereto, and for pre-
venting all collissions, monopolies and obstructions therein, and un-
der such penalties as they shall determine to be just and proper, to
be subject however to approval by the levy court of Harford coun-
ty, and to be amended by the said commissioners, if necessary, un-
til approved of by the said court, which said rules when so approved
and confirmed, and not being repugnant to law, shall be and remain
in as full force and validity as if the same were herein enacted.
5. And be it enacted, That in every thing to be done by the com-
missioners under this act, the co-operation and consent of a majority
of the whole number shall be necessary, and that in case of the re-
signation, refusal or discontinuance at any time of any commission-
er to act as such, the other commissioners shall appoint some other
person to fill every such vacancy as may happen.
Account re-
6. And be it enacted, That this act shall not have any effect or
operation until the proprietors of mill dams and lands on Deer creek
shall give their assent to the provisions thereof in writing, to be filed
in the clerks office of Harford county; nor shall the commissioners
proceed to assess the quantum of damages each proprietor shall pay,
until the assent in writing of two thirds of the landed proprietors
bounding on said creek, as high as Laughray's ford, shall file their
assent in writing in the clerks office of Harford county.
Levy restric-
7 And be it enacted, That no part of the expenses incurred in
virtue of this act, shall be levied on those whose assent shall not be
filed as aforesaid, but the whole of said expenses shall be levied upon
and paid by the landed proprietors aforesaid, assenting as aforesaid.
Passed Feb.
2, 1824.
An additional supplement to an act to incorporate a company to make a wharf
at the town of Cambridge, in Dorchester County.
Whereas, the sixth section of the act to which this is a supple-
ment, prescribes that the managers of the company shall be elected
on the first Monday in November, on each and every year; and
whereas, it is represented that managers for the present year were not
elected last November, as the act aforesaid directs, and that at pre-
sent there are no managers to superintend the concerns of said com-
pany to the manifest detriment of those concerns;—Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the stockholders of the company aforesaid, are hereby authorised to
elect on the first Monday of March next, in the manner prescribed by
the act to which this is a supplement, six managcrs,who shall continue
in office until the first Monday of November next, when new mana-
gers shall be elected in the manner prescribed by the act to which this
is a supplement.
Authority to
2. And be it enacted, That the managers who shall be elected here-
after, shall continue to act as such until their successors shall be