Dec. Ses. 1823
Assent of
the Turnpike
2. And be it enacted, That the assent of the president and directors
of said turnpike company, shall first be given to opening such road
or roads.
3. And be it enacted, That the said company shall when they turn-
pike such road, pay Harford county the full amount of damages,
awarded to landholders, and also the sum of money expended in
opening such road.
4. And be it enacted, That all and every act or acts of assembly
which are repugnant to, or inconsistent with the provisions of this act,
be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Jan.
28, 1824.
• An act for the benefit of the Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of the People called
Quakers, in Harford County.
Whereas, a certain James Rigby, late of Harford county, did
by his deed of conveyance, bearing date on the twenty-fifth day of
May, in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eighty-nine,
convey and make over a parcel of a tract of land called "Philips his
Purchase," being in said county, and containing three acres and a
half, unto Joseph Warner, Hugh Ely, Jacob Balderson and Isaiah
Balderson, to be held in trust for the use of the Deer Creek Monthly
Meeting called Friends; and whereas, three of the above named
trustees have since deceased, and the survivor is advanced in years,
and the said meeting having found it necessary to enlarge their bu-
rying ground; Therefore,
Persons au-
thorised to
hold estate.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for Joshua Husband, James Coale, Wil-
liam M'Coy and Acquilla Massy, of the Deer Creek Meeting of
Friends, they conforming to the rules and regulations of the said
society, to hold any tracts or parcels of land that the said meeting
may by deed of bargain and sale, deed of gift or by devise acquire
not exceeding twenty acres,solely for the use of the said meeting; and
the said trustees and their successors shall have an estate in fee simple
in all such lands not exceeding twenty acres as aforesaid, as they or
their successors shall acquire a legal title to as aforesaid.
2. And be it enacted, That the said meeting shall from time to
time fill up vacancies that may happen in the said board of trustees,
by death, resignation or otherwise, so as to keep up the number of
Passed Jan.
28, 1824.
Time stipu-
An act to alter the time of holding the County Courts in the several Count
therein mentioned.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and
after the passage of this act, the county court of Somerset county,
shall be held on the third Monday in April, and on the third Mon-
day in September; and the county court in Prince George's county,
shall be held on the first Monday in April and the second Monday in
October in each and every year hereafter, any law to the contrary
notwithstanding; and that all causes, pleas, process and proceedings,
civil and criminal, now depending in the said county courts respec-
tively, or hereafter to be issued therefrom, shall be continued and re-
turnable to the said days respectively.
Passed Jan.
28, 1824.
An act to Incorporate the Fell's Point Washington Beneficial Society.
Whereas, John Robb, William Houlton, Thomas L. Murphy,
Robert Dutton, Peter Foy and others, have formed themselves into