Dec. Ses. 1822
Passed Dec.
18, 1822
An act to provide for the building of a Bridge over Antietam Creek,
at John Shafer's Mill, in Washington county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Washington county shall, at the
first annual levy made after the passage of this act, levy upon the tax-
able property in said county, such sum of money as they shall think
necessary for the purpose of building a bridge over Antieatam Creek,
at or near John Shafer's Mill, on the public road leading past said
mill, in the county aforesaid.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the justices aforesaid shall, as soon
as possible after the levying of the money aforesaid, cause a Bridge
to be erected at the place aforesaid, either of wood or stone, as they
shall think most advantageous to the public.
Passed Dec
18, 1822.
Levy $1800.
An act to provide for the building a bridge over Antieatam Creek in
Washington County.
Section 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Washington county, be, and
they are hereby authorised and empowered to levy on the taxable
property in said county, a sum of money not exceeding eighteen
hundred dollars, for the purpose of building a bridge over Antieatam
Creek, at the place where the road leading from Boonsborough to
Sharpsburg crosses said creek, near Mumma's Mill in said county.
In 3 years.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said sum of eighteen hundred
dollars, or any less sum which in the opinion of the said court, will be
sufficient for the purpose of erecting said bridge, shall be levied in three
equal annual levies in three years next after the passage of this law.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid levy court shall, as
soon as conveniently may be after the levying of the money aforesaid,
cause a bridge to be erected, (by contract or otherwise) over said
stream at the place aforesaid, in such manner as the said court shall
think most advantageous for the public, and the sum of money so as
aforesaid to be levied, or so much thereof as may be necessary for
that purpose, shall be applied to the payment of the expense of
erecting said bridge.
Passed Dec.
18, 1822.
An additional supplement to An act, entitled, "An act to incorporate
a company to make a Turnpike Road from the Turnpike near West-
minster to Taney Town, thence with the main street through Em-
mitsburg to Troupes Tavern.
WHEREAS, An act was passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and eighteen, authorizing the Westminster, Taney Town,
and Emmittsburg turnpike road company, to erect and keep a toll gate
at the bridge over the Monocacy, between Taney Town and Em-
mittsburg, and empowering the said company to shut up the roads
and fords contiguous to said bridge; AND WHEREAS, said act has
been found ineffectual to the end desired, the said company being un-
able to shut up the roads and fords adjacent to the said bridge so as to
prevent persons from evading the payment of the toll authorised to
be received as aforesaid; Therefore,
Toll pay-
able by
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all persons using said road and passing through said gate,
erected for the purpose and with the intent of securing tolls at the