a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held at the City of Annapolis, on the first Monday of
December, being the 2d day of the said month, in the year
of our Lord, 1822, and ending on the 24th day of Febru-
ary, in the year 1823, his excellency Samuel Stevens, Jr.
Esq. Governor, the following laws were enacted, to wit:
An act for the benefit of John Swartsfelter and Jacob Christ, of Wash-
ington County.
Passed Dec.
13, 1822.
whereas, John Swartsfelter and Jacob Christ have, by their se-
veral petitions, represented to this general assembly, that they seve-
rally emigrated to the state of Maryland many years ago, and since
their emigration and settlement, they have acquired, or wish to.
purchase and acquire real property therein; and their several titles
said property, from their not being naturalized agreeable to the
laws of the United States, may be called in question to their great
detriment and injury; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall
may be lawful for the said John Swartsfelter and Jacob Christ,
either of them, to have, hold, possess and enjoy all real property
heretofore acquired by them or either of them by purchase, or which
hereafter be so acquired by them or either of them, in the same
manner to all intents and purposes, as they would do, if at the time
May hold pro-
of such purchases they had been natural born citizens; Provided al-
ways; That nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat
or affect any right, title or claim to any such property or any part
thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or persons whatso-
ever, before the passage of this act; And provided also, That the said
John Swartsfelter and Jacob Christ shall, within twelve months after
their being capable of becoming citizens, naturalize themselves agree-
able to the laws of the United States; but if the said John Swarts-
felter and Jacob Christ, or either of them, should die before the pe-
riod herein allowed for their being naturalized, the real property
which cither of them may have purchased, shall nevertheless pass
to their legal representatives, in the same manner as if they had be-
come naturalized.
An act to confirm an act entitled, An act to alter that part of the Con-
stitution and form of Government relating to the division of Dorches-
ter county into five separate election districts.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act
of Assembly passed at the last session of the Legislature, entitled, An
Passed Dec
14, 1822.
Act confirm-