Dec. Ses. 1822
to exempt the stockholders from liability for the debts of the said
company in their individual capacity, to the amount of the stock ori-
ginally subscribed or held by them over and above the original ca-
pital stock.
Passed Feb.
24, 1823.
An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from Han-
cock in Washington county, to the Pennsylvania line in the direction
leading to Bedford in Pennsylvania.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary land, That
a company be incorporated to make a turnpike road, beginning at the
town of Hancock in Washington county, and running thence in the
direction leading to Bedford in Pennsylvania.
Books to be
2. And be it enacted. That subscription books shall be opened on
the first Monday in April next for a capital stock of one hundred
thousand dollars in shares of twenty dollars each, thirty thousand of
the same to be subscribed in the city of Baltimore, under the direc-
tion of William Lorman, John Barney and Henry Payson, or any
one of them; thirty thousand dollars in Frederick, under the direc-
tion of John M'Pherson, Thomas C. Worthington and Francis
Thomas, or any one of them; and at Hager's-town, for twenty thou-
sand dollars, under the direction of Samuel Ringgold, William Price
and Frederick Dorsey or any one of them, and at Hancock, under the
direction of William Yates, Thomas C. Brent and James H. Bowles,
or any one of them.
3, And be it enacted, That when three thousand shares of said stock
shall have been subscribed for, the commissioners shall give twenty days
public notice in two of the Baltimore, two of the Frederick and two
of the Hager's Town newspapers, of the time and place appointed for
the subscribers to meet and organise said institution, and to choose,
by a plurality of votes, by ballot, a president and five managers (three
of whom shall be a quorum) a treasurer, and such other officers as
they shall deem necessary for conducting the affairs of said company,
until the first Monday in April thereafter, and, until a new election,
to make such by-laws as they shall deem necessary, and on the first,
Monday in April in every year, or within ten days thereafter, for
such purpose, and at such places, as the said president and managers
shall appoint; and in all elections by stockholders, each share shall be
entitled to one vote; Provided always, that no person shall have more
than twenty-five votes.
4. And he it enacted, That the stockholders in said company shall
be, and they are hereby created and erected into a body politic, by
the name and style of "The Hancock Turnpike Company, " and by the
same name shall have perpetual succession, and all the privileges and
franchises incident to a corporation, and shall be capable of suing and
being sued, answering and being answered, and of enlarging their
Stock by new subscriptions, if the same shall be found necessary.
5. And be it enacted, That the sums so subscribed shall be paid
to the president and managers of the company, in such sums and at
such times as they may appoint, giving two months public notice of
the payment required.
ers to lay out.
6. And be it enacted, That the president and managers be, and
they are hereby authorised to appoint three commissioners, who, or
a majority of whom, agreeing, shall lay out the said road, in the near-
est and best direction towards Bedford, in Pennsylvania, or towards
Walker's Tavern, on the Bedford road, or towards such point as