Dec. Ses. 1822
lar returns thereof; to abate all nuisances and remove all obstructions
in the streets, lanes and alleys, agreeably to the orders and directions
of the commissioners to dispose by reasonable, proper and lawful
means (without or with, as circumstances may require, the aid and
assistance of a posse comitatus which he is hereby authorised to sum-
mon and call to his assistance) all disorderly or tumultuous meetings
of slaves, free negroes or other dissolute or disorderly persons who
may be obstructing the foot ways or any et the streets, lanes or al-
leys, in the town, and thereby preventing the inhabitants and others
from freely, quietly and safely passing along the street, where they
are assembled, and to punish with moderate correction all such ne-
groes and slaves as shall be found gambling or frolicking at any time
or place within the town or strolling about the streets in the night,
after the hour of ten o'clock, also to arrest and secure all sabbath
breakers, vagrants, drunken persons and disturbers of the public p<'ace,
and carry the same before some justice of the peace, to be there dealt
with as the law shall direct in such cases, and fully to execute all the
Clerk of the
lawful orders of the said commissioners.
3. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the market before he shall pro-
ceed to act as such, shall take an oath or affirmation, (as the case may
be, ) before a board of the said commissioners, that he will diligently and
faithfully perform all the duties of a clerk of the market in the town
of Easton according to the act of assembly aforesaid, entitled, An
act to provide for the appointment of commissioners for the regula-
tion and improvement of Easton, in Talbot county, and to establish
and regulate a market at the said town, and the several supplements
thereto, and the existing orders and ordinances of the commissioners
aforesaid, respecting the said market to the best of his skill and judg-
ment, and without favor, affection, or partiality, and that he will not,
directly or indirectly demand or receive for his services as clerk of
the market, any fee or reward, excepting such salary or compensation
as shall be allowed by said commissioner.
4. And be it enacted, That every person who shall be appointed
assessor as aforesaid, shall take the following oath or affirmation, (as
the case may be, ) before a board of the said commissioners, to wit:
"I, A B, do swear (or affirm, ) that I will justly, faithfully and im-
partially execute, to the best of my skill and judgment, the duties
of an assessor of property in the town of Easton, and that I will va-
lue at what I shall believe to be the value in ready money, all the
real and personal property that shall or may come to my sight and
knowledge and be properly assessable under the orders, ordinances
or directions of the commissioners of the said town, and make true
return thereof to the said commissioners, and that therein I will
spare no person for favor or affection or grieve any person for hatred,
malice or ill-will; " and it shrill be the duty of said assessor, when so
qualified, to inform himself, by all lawful ways and means, of all the
assessable, real and personal property in the said town, and forthwith
to proceed to value the same, at what it shall in his judgment be
worth in ready money, and return to the commissioners, within
four weeks from the time of his qualification as aforesaid, a list
of all the assessments made by him, and a book of accounts,
arranged in alphabetical order in which such person so assessed
shall be charged with the particulars so assessed to him, and it
shall be the duty of the commissioners upon receiving the said
return, to appoint at least three separate days for hearing and deciding
the complaints and appeals of persons who may think themselves ag-