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Session Laws, 1821
Volume 626, Page 88   View pdf image
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Dec Sec. 1821.
To be paid &c.

2. And be it further enacted, That the said alley shall not be
extended through the property of any individual injured thereby, un-
til the damages assessed as aforesaid is paid, with legal interest from
the first day of March next until paid, and shall remain in lien on
said property. And it shall be the duty of the city collector of Bal-
timore to collect the damages from the persons benefitted as afore-
said, for which the said collector is to receive five per cent as a com-
pensation for his services, (he paying the expense of advertising;)
which five per cent is to be added to the bills of those benefitted;
but any person paying his or her proportion of the damages as award-
ed by said commissioners to the person or persons entitled to re-
ceive the same, any time within the month of March next, shall
have the five per cent as aforesaid deducted from his bill.


3. And be it enacted, That in case of the death or removal
of any of the said commissioners, the vacancy shall be filled up by
the mayor of the city of Baltimore.

Passed Feb. 6,



An act to appoint commissioners for the purpose of altering the di-
visional line between the first and fourth election districts in Alle-
gany county.
Whereas, It would add to the convenience of certain voters,
now residing in the first election district in Allegany county, that the
same should be changed—Therefore,

metes, bounds,

Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That William Price, George Smar and Michael Wilt, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners; and they or a majority of
them are hereby authorised and required, so to alter, fix and estab-
lish the divisional line between the first and fourth election dis-
tricts, as to correspond with the following metes, bounds and des-
sriptions, to wit: Commencing at some point on Savage River
above the present settlement; thence crossing the back bone, above
the mouth of Crabb Tree Run; thence crossing the state road about
a mile above George Smar's, and to the north branch of Potomac,
at or near the mouth of Laurel run; and to certify the same under
their hands and seals, and make return thereof to the clerk of Al-
legany county, by him to be recorded. And the line so settled and
ascertained shall thereafter be taken and considered as the divison-
al line between the first and fourth election districts. And said com-
missioners are required to perform the duty herein imposed, and
make return thereof on or before the first day of August next.


2. And be it enacted, For all services performed by the
commissioners aforesaid by virtue of this act, the levy court of
Allegany county shall make reasonable compensation, and shall
levy the same upon the said county, and the same shall be collected
and paid as other county charges.

Passed Feb. 5,



An act to authorise William D. Davidson, to bring into this state a
certain negro therein mentioned.
Whereas, It has been represented to this general assembly by
the memorial of William D. Davidson, a Lieutenant in the army of
the United States, that he is now stationed at Fort Severn in the
city of Annapolis, and is anxious to bring from the state of Vir-

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Session Laws, 1821
Volume 626, Page 88   View pdf image
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