master or mistress shall pay said fine; which fines, in either case,
may be recovered before a justice of the peace, in the same manner
as small debts are recoverable, one half thereof for the use of the
person sueing, and the other half for the use of said turnpike com-
Dec. Ses. 1821.
2. And be it enacted, That the president and directors of the
Baltimore and Harford Turnpike Road Company, be, and they are
hereby required to keep at all times, posted up at each end of the
bridge aforesaid, a painted notice, stating the provisions and penal-
ties of this act; and on failure so to do, this law to be void and of no
Painted notice.
An act empowering the Levy Court of Cecil County, at their discre-
tion, to levy a sum of money to build a bridge over Octarara Creek,
in said county, at or near Samuel Rowland's Store.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be lawful for the levy court of Cecil county at any
time hereafter, to levy on the assessable property of Cecil county,
a sum of money not exceeding eight hundred dollars, and not more
than four hundred in any one year, for the purpose of erecting a
bridge over Octarara Creek, at or near Samuel Rowland's Store, if
in their judgment they shall deem it necessary and expedient; and in
case the said levy court shall deem it expedient, they shall appoint
commissioners to fix upon a site for erecting said bridge at or near
the aforesaid Rowland's Store, over said creek.
Passed Feb. 1,
$800 may be
what purpose.
2. And be it enacted, That when the levy court of said
county shall levy the sum of four hundred dollars, for the purposes
aforesaid, that then the said court shall appoint three commissioners
who shall contract for and superintend the building of the aforesaid
bridge; which commissioners shall, from time to time, as they may
deem proper, draw upon the collector whose hands the money may
he placed in, to discharge the debts incurred in consequence of build-
ing said bridge.
3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said county
shall allow to said commissioners, such compensation as they may
think proper, not exceeding twenty dollars each, for the duties im-
posed upon them by this act.
An act for the benefit of Robert Usselton and Benjamin Arno, of
Kent county.
Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Kent county, be, and they are hereby authorised
and required, to levy annually upon the assessable property of said
county, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, for the support and mainte-
nance of Robert Usselton and Benjamin Arno, all of said county;
and that it shall be the duty of the collector of said county, to collect
and pay over to the said Robert and Benjamin, or to their order,
the sum so levied, in equal proportions for their sole benefit.
Passed Feb. 1,
$50 may be le-
vied annually.
An act for the relief of Roswell Noble, of the city of Baltimore.
Whereas, It is alledged to this general assembly by the petiti-
passed Feb.