An additional supplement to the act entitled, An act to erect a new
Market-House in Hager's-town in Washington county.
Whereas, It has been represented to this general assembly, by
the petition of sundry citizens of Hager's-town and of Washington
county, that doubts are entertained whether the moderator and
commissioners of said town, are at liberty to erect a Town Hall,
or other building, over the market-house authorised to be built by
the act to which this is a supplement, passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and eighteen, chapter twenty-eight, section one;
Dec. Ses. 1821.
Passed Dec. 19,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the moderator and commissioners of Hager's-town, be, and
they are hereby authorised, to build a town hall, or such other build-
ing for the public use of the town, over the market-house about
to be erected in Hager's-town, as the moderator and commissioners
may think necessary and proper.
may be built.
2. And be it enacted, That the moderator and commissioners
of Hager's-town, be, and they are hereby authorised to levy such
sums of money on the taxable inhabitants of Hager's-town and
its additions, in one, or in one and two years, as will be sufficient
to defray the expenses of building such Town Hall or other buil-
ding, as may be agreed upon by the moderator and commissioners
of Hager's-town.
Expense to be
3. Be it enacted, That the moderator and commissioners of
Hager's-town, be, and they are hereby authorised to ascertain and
determine in the best possible way, what ought to be the limits of
Hager's-town and its additions, and that they cause a plat of the
same to be made out for the use of the moderator and commissi-
oners, and be kept as other records of the moderator and commis-
sioners are kept.
Limits to be
ascertained &c.
4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the mode-
rator and commissioners of Hager's-town, to proceed to ascertain
and fix the limits of Hager's-town and its additions as soon as
practicable, and when ascertained to be final.
To be final.
5. And be it enacted, That the moderator and commissioners
of Hager's-town, be, and they are hereby authorised to lay off the
town into five wards, and that in all future elections for commissi-
oners, one commissioner be elected from each ward.
Wards and
6. And be it enacted, That the moderator and commission-
ers of Hager's-town, be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to grant permission to the members of Mount Moriah
Lodge No. 33, to erect a suitable edifice or masonic hall on the
market-house in said town, upon such terms and conditions as may
be agreed on by the said commissioners and members of Mount
Moriah Lodge No. 33, without subjecting the town to any expense
whatever, in the erection of said building.
Masonic Hall
may be built.
An act to encourage the destruction of Crows in Kent County, and
to Repeal the act of assembly therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That if any person shall bring to any justice of the peace of Kent
Passed Dec. 19,
Persons kill-
ing to be al-
lowed 20 cents.