Dec. Ses. 1821
That from and after the passage of this law, the public roads in
Saint Mary's county, shall be kept in repair in pursuance of the
provisions of the act entitled, An act relating to the public roads
in the several counties therein mentioned, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and one; and the said law is hereby decla-
red to be in full force and operation as to the said county. And the
levy court of the said county are hereby directed to meet as soon
after the passage of this law as practicable, to carry its provisions
into operation.
Levy court
may levy if ne-
2. And be it enacted, That whenever the levy court shall
be of opinion, that any part of the public roads' in the said county,
cannot be sufficiently repaired in the manner prescribed by the said
act, without great oppression to the inhabitants residing within the
limits attached to the said road, that then and in such case it shall
be lawful for the said levy court, to levy on the assessable property
of the said county, such sum, not exceeding one hundred dollars,
as they shall deem it expedient to contribute toward the repairing
such road.
Passed Dec. 10
An act for the relief of Amos Chapman and Joseph Chapman of the
city of Baltimore.
Whereas, It is represented to this General Assembly, by the
petition of Amos Chapman and Joseph Chapman, of the city
of Baltimore, that they are at present confined in Baltimore
county jail, for debts which they are unable to pay, and that they
are debarred from the privilege of the insolvent laws of the state,
by reason of the unfavorable report of the commissioners of insol-
vent debtors for the city and county of Baltimore, upon their petitions
heretofore made before them; and the said Amos and Joseph being
desirous of again appearing before the said commissioners notwith-
standing such unfavorable report, and it being deemed unreason-
able that they should remain in imprisonment, if they shall be able
to satisfy the said commissioners that they have fairly surrendered
up all the property they are or have been possessed of: therefore,
May prosecute
petitions, &c.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said Amos Chapman and Joseph Chapman, be and they
are hereby authorised to prosecute petitions for the benefit of the
insolvent laws of this state, before the commissioners of insol-
vent debtors for the city and county of Baltimore, notwithstand-
ing the unfavorable reports heretofore made upon their former pe-
titions against them; Provided always, That the said Amos Chapman
and Joseph Chapman, shall make it appear to the satisfaction of the
said commissioners, that they do not at present retain any property
or estate of any nature or kind whatsoever, except what is allowed
by the insolvent laws of this state; and that they do not retain to
themselves or to their families, any kind of beneficial or profitable
interest in any property or estate whatsoever (except such as is
above excepted) heretofore belonging to them, or either of them,
but have fairly and bonafide surrendered up all property formerly
belonging to them, for the benefit of their creditors as by the laws
of this state, they should and ought to have done; And provided,
That in all other respects they comply with the requisites and con-
ditions of the insolvent laws of this state.