At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, be-
gun and held at the City of Annapolis, on the first Mon-
day of December, being the 3d day of the said month, in
the year of our Lord 1821, and ending on the 23d day of
February, in the year 1822, his excellency Samuel Sprigg,
Esq. Governor, the following laws were enacted, to wit:
An act to change the name of William Vans Murray Robertson, of
Dorchester county, to that of William Vans Murray.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of William Vans Murray Robertson, of Dorches-
ter county, be, and hereby is changed and altered unto the name of
William Vans Murray; and it shall and may be lawful for the said
William Vans Murray Robertson, at all times hereafter, to be called
and known by, and hold and use the name of William Vans Mur-
ray, and by that name to sue and be sued, in any court of law or
equity; and it shall and may be lawful for the issue of the said
William Vans Murray Robertson, hereafter to be born, to take
upon themselves and each of them, the sur-name of Murray; and
the sur-name of the said William Vans Murray Robertson, shall
be, and is hereby changed and altered to the sur-name of Murray;
and the issue of the said William Vans Murray Robertson, born
or hereafter to be born, shall at all times hereafter be called by,
and hold and use the sur-name of Murray, and be from henceforth
called by the sur-name of Murray.
Passed Dec, 7,
Name changed.
2. And be it further enacted, That all securities, promises,
contracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, heretofore
made, done, or hereafter to be made and done, by or to the said
William Vans Murray Robertson, by the name of William Vans
Murray, shall be of the same force and effect, and equally avail, to
all intents and purposes, as if the name of William Vans Murray,
had been the true and proper name of William Vans Murray Ro-
bertson from his birth; any law, statute or custom to the contrary
Securities, pro-
mises &c. to be
An act entitled, A further supplement to the act entitled, An act re-
lating to the public roads in the several counties therein menti-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, By the General Assembly of Maryland,
Passed Dec. 8,
Roads in St.