equal to the half pay of a private, in consideration of his services during the
revolutionary war.
No. 55.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to each attending
member of the legislature twenty dollars, and to the president of the senate and
speaker of the house of delegates twenty-five dollars each, for five days attend-
ance since the journal of accounts was closed, and twenty dollars to each of the
clerks, except those who were called in on Friday last, who shall receive sixteen
dollars each, also to the other officers now attending the two branches of the
said legislature the sum of twenty dollars each, and that the committee of claims
furnish the treasurer with a list of all the attending members, and other officers;
and that the said treasurer pay to John and Thomas Vance, or to their order,
the sum of sixty dollars, upon his receiving one set of Bacon's Abridgment,
which had been ordered for the use of the legislature
RESOLVED, That such of the members as attended on Saturday shall receive
the sum of eight dollars, and that those who attended on Friday last shall re-
ceive four dollars, and that the committee of claims furnish the treasurer with a
list of such members as were present on Thursday last, and also a list of such
members as attended on the days herein mentioned.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Jehu Chandler,
or his order, the sum of twenty one dollars, the amount of his account for print-
ing, &c, not allowed on the journal of accounts.
Passed Feb. 19
In favour of mem-
bers, clerks, &c.
No. 56.
RESOLVED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each of the United
States has an equal right to participate in the benefit of the public lands, the
common property of the union.
RESOLVED, That the states, in whose favour Congress have not made ap-
propriaitons of land for the purposes of education, are entitled to such appro-
priations as will correspond, in a just proportion, with those heretofore made in
favour of the other states.
RESOLVED, That his excellency, the governor, be requested to transmit co-
pies of the foregoing report and resolutions to each of our senators and repre-
sentatives in congress, with a request, that they will lay the same before their
respective houses, and use their endeavours to procure the passage of an act to
carry into effect the just principle therein set forth.
RESOLVED, That his excellency, the governor, be also requested to transmit
copies of the said report and resolutions to the governors of the several states
of the union, with a request, that they will communicate the same to the legis-
latures thereof respectively, and solicit their co-operation.
Passed Feb. 13
Relative to appro-
priations of land
for purpose of