No. 7.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authoris-
ed and empowered, in all cases of debit due to this state, where judgment has
been obtained, or may be obtained, before the meeting of the next general as-
sembly, and the defendants are liable to execution, upon application being made
to them, and being fully satisfied by the certificate of the orphans court, that
the said debt for which indulgence is prayed is well and sufficiently secured,
and upon such applicant paying six per cent, interest and all costs due thereon,
to stay any further proceedings against such debtors, until the first day of Ja-
nuary eighteen hundred and twenty-two; Provided, that any judgment upon
which proceedings may be stayed as aforesaid, shall continue and remain in full
force, and executions may be issued at any time within twelve months after the
expiration of such stays.
Passed Feb. 1
Relative to state
No. 8.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land office for the western shore be and
he is hereby authorised and required, to issue to Roger Perry, of Allegany coun-
ty, his heirs or assigns, a patent for lots number 212 and 232, in the town of
Cumberland, as resurveyed by virtue of an escheat warrant granted the said
Roger Perry the 14th day of February 1820, and now called Bellpree, upon a
return of the certificate, without requiring the payment of the composition mo-
ney due on the said certificate; Provided nevertheless, that the said patent shall
in no manner impair the right of Charles F. Brodhag to the said lota, upon pay-
ment of the purchase money, or the right of any other person to the same.
Passed Feb. 1
In favour of Ro-
ger Perry.
No. 9.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Leeds Kerr,
one and three fourths per centum on all sums of money that have been, or that
may he received into the treasury from the general government in payment of
the state's claim under his agency, deducting the sums already paid, which is to
be in full for his services; and before any payments are made to him, he shall
signify his assent to this resolution, in writing, addressed to the treasurer of the
western shore.
Passed Feb. 9
—— of John L.
Kerr, esq.
No. 10.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby author-
ised and directed, to examine the memorial of William Kilty, Thomas Harris,
and John N. Watkins, and the compilation of the laws therein referred to, and
to allow the memorialists such compensation as they may be considered entitled
to, from the nature of the undertaking, the manner n which it has been execut-
ed, and the usage in such cases, and to order payment of such sums out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury.
Passed Feb. 9
—— of Wm. Kilty,
Thos. Harris and
John N. Watkins.
No. 11.
WHEREAS it appears from Liber B in the office of the auditor of the state,
that there is a balance of eleven pounds and five shillings due from this state to
Edward Wright, of Kent county, a* a lieutenant during the revolutionary war;
therefore, Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Edward
Wright, of Kent county, or his order, out of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, the sum of eleven pounds and five shillings.
Passed Feb. 9
—— of Edward
No 12.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Nathaniel Horsey and Robert Elzey, of Sussex county in the
state of Delaware, or to their order, the sum of three hundred dollars, to be
equally divided between them, as a reward and compensation for their meritori-
ous services in pursuing and apprehending Jesse Griffith, who was tried and
convicted at a special court of oyer and terminer held in Dorchester county, in
the year eighteen hundred and twenty, of the murder of Hinson Tull in Dor-
chester county.
Passed Feb. 9
— of Nathan
Horsey and Ro-
bert Elzey.
No. 13.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected to pay to Elizabeth Handy, the widow of George Handy, late a captain
in the revolutionary war, or her order, during life, annually, in quarterly pay-
ments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a captain.
Passed Feb. 9
—— of Elizabeth
No. 14.
WHEREAS the encouragement of literary enterprize and scientific labour, is
a subject deeply affecting the character and best interests of a Tree state, and
there can, it is conceived, be no national undertaking better calculated to en-
sure the permanent prosperity of the republic—It enhances the value of free in-
stitutions by making them better understood; it gives vigour to the laws, by its
wholesome influence upon their formation; and it strengthens the energies of
Passed Feb. 9
—— of the Mary-
land University.