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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 171   View pdf image
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Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Maryland,
at December Session, 1820.

Passed Dec. 12, 1820.

In favour of the
members and offi-
cers of the legisla-
ture, electors, &c.

No. 1.

RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the several mem-
bers of the general assembly, and the officers thereof, also to the electors of the
president and vice president of the United States, the amount of the several sums
due to them, and for which they shall obtain certificates from the chairman of
the committee of claims.

Passed Dec. 28

— of Jehu Chan-

NO. 2.
RESOLVED. That the treasurer of the western shore advance to Jehu Chand-
ler, the sum of two hundred dollars, in part of his allowance which may he due
him on the journal of accounts for printing the running business of the house.

Passed Jan. 16
— of the ar-


No. 3.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore he and he is hereby au-
thorised, to pay to Washington G. Tuck, the armourer at Annapolis, or to his
order, the sum of four hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents, out of
any unappropriated money in the treasury.

Passed Jan. 16
— of the exami-
ner general.

No. 4.

RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the examiner
general of the western shore, such sum in addition to his fees for the present
year, as shall amount to the sum of eight hundred dollars current money, and
the examiner general shall lay before the next session of assembly, the amount
of fees by him received in this year, on oath.

Passed Jan 20
— of the heirs
of John Neptune.

No. 5.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land office for the western shore, be
and he is hereby directed, to receive into his office the patent heretofore issued
to William M'Mahon, of Allegany county, for a tract of land called "The
Flowry Meads." bearing date the tenth day of September seventeen hundred
and ninety six, containing two thousand and seventeen acres, one moiety of
which land now belongs to the heirs of said John Neptune, deceased, the other
part to sundry other persons; that in the certificate of the said patent there is an
error in one of the lines which throws the whole tract into confusion; at the
end of the hundred and forty-fourth line of said tract, the call is made to the
end of the first line of lot No. 3794, whereas it ought to have been made to the
end of the first line of lot No. 3749, which latter call, had it been made, would
have gratified both course and distance as mentioned in the patent, and the oth-
er call takes the line directly the reverse of the course mentioned, and upwards
of five hundred perches further than it ought to go, which error appears to
have been committed by the then county surveyor in making out his certifi-
cate and return of the survey. All persons concerned in slid land are desirous
to have the error corrected, therefore the register of the land office for the
western shore is directed to correct the record book in which the said patent
hath been recorded, so as to correspond with the said patent when so amended,
and the error therein corrected as aforesaid, and also to correct the certificate
of the surveyor who made the survey of the land aforesaid, and also correct the
record of said certificate so that it may correspond with the patent aforesaid as
amended; and that the said heirs of John Neptune deceased, and all other per-
sons owning any part of said tract of land, shall have the same right and title to
the said land and premises, mentioned in the said patent so amended, as if the
error had never been committed in the original certificate; Provided always,
that the passage of this resolution shall not affect the title of any person or per-
sons having acquired a just title to the land, or any part thereof, prior to the
passage of this resolution.

Passed Feb. 1
— of Dr. Colin

No. 6.

RESOLVED by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the
western shore, he and he is hereby authorised and required, to pay to Doctor Colin
Mackenzie, the survivor of Doctor James Smyth, or his order, out of any un-
appropriated money in the treasury, the second instalment of the loan authoris-
ed to be negotiated by the n on the credit of the state by a resolution of the ge-
neral assembly for improving the hospital, which becomes due in the present

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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 171   View pdf image
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