11. And be it enacted, That the stockholders at every general
meeting shall have power to make and ordain all such by-laws,
rules and regulations, as they may think necessary for the well
ordering the business of said corporation, not contrary to the
constitution or laws of the United States, or of the state of
CHAP. 173.
By-laws, rules and
12. And be it enacted, That the election of directors shall be by
ballot, and before every election the directors for the time being
shall appoint three stockholders, not being directors, to conduct
the election, who, or a majority of them, shall receive and count
the ballots, and declare in writing the persons elected to serve as
directors for the then ensuing year.
Elections to be by
13. And be it enacted, That if it should be found that the, amount
which may be subscribed for, or the amount authorised to be sub
scribed for as aforesaid, shall not be sufficient to complete said
bridge, the president and directors shall have power to direct books
to be opened at such times and places, and under the direction of
such commissioners as they may think proper, for such an addi-
tional amount of stock as by them may be deemed necessary to
complete the same; and said president and directors shall have
power to call for such instalments from the stockholders from time
to time as they may think necessary.
If amount sub-
scribed for should
not be sufficient
books may be a-
gain opened.
14. And be it enacted, That if any stockholder should fail to
pay on receiving due notice, any instalment which may at any
time be called for, for the space of one month, he shall forfeit the
sum or sums before paid by him on his stock to the use of the said
corporation, and shall also forfeit his right to said stock on ac-
count of which he shall be delinquent, and the said president and
directors shall have power to sell said stock for the use of said
corporation, and the purchaser or purchasers of the same shall
be considered a stockholder or stockholders in the said corpora-
tion to all intents and purposes; and if any forfeited share or
shares of stork shall not produce on sale a sum sufficient to dis-
charge the balance due thereon and the expenses of sale, the said
delinquent stockholder or stockholders shall remain liable for the
balance due.
In case of failure
to pay instalment
sum before paid to
be forfeited, &c.
15. And be it enacted, That the said bridge shall be built in a
secure and substantial manner, and shall be secured and support-
ed at each end by good and sufficient abutments or piers, and there
shall be a draw in the said bridge at the deepest part of the chan-
nel, so as to afford a convenient passage to vessels up and down
the said river, of at least fifteen feet wide; and the president and
directors for the time being, shall keep a sufficient number of
hands at all times ready for the purpose of raising the said draw,
in order to admit vessels to pass through without delay or inter-
ruption, for which no reward shall be demanded or received, and
in case of any neglect, the said president and directors may be
indicted in Prince-George's or Anne-Arundel county courts as for
a common nuisance.
Bridge, how to be
16. And be it enacted, That for and in consideration of the great
risk and expenses to be incurred by said company, not only for
building the said bridge, but for keeping the. same in continual
repair, the said bridge, when built and completed according to the
directions of this act, and all its profits, shall be and the same are
When completed
to be vested in
company, &c.