CHAP. 173.
General meeting
to be held annual-
6. And be it enacted, That a general meeting of the stockhold-
ers shall annually be holden in the town of Upper Marlborough
on the first Monday in April, when nine directors shall he chosen
in the manner aforesaid, to conduct and manage the affairs of
said company until the then next election, and in case a majority
of the stock subscribed for should not be represented on said day,
or at the first meeting of the stockholders aforesaid, either by
stockholders in person, or by proxy duly authorised, those stock-
holders who do attend in person, or by proxy, may adjourn said
meeting from day to day until a majority as aforesaid shall attend.
May fix on site,
and contract for
building, &c.
7. And be it enacted, That the president and directors aforesaid
shall have power to locate and fix on the site for said bridge, and
to contract for building the same, and to employ all necessary
workmen and labourers about the same, and in case the site of
said bridge should not be fixed upon land already condemned as a
public road, to contract with the proprietor or proprietors of the
land on each side of said river, against which the said bridge
shall be proposed to be abutted, for the privilege of said abut-
ment, and as much land as may be necessary to make a road
leading to other public roads; and if the said president and direc-
tors should not be able to agree with said proprietor or proprie-
tors upon the price for said land, then the said president and di-
rectors shall apply to the county court of the county in which
said land lies, whose duty it shall be to appoint five disinterested
persons in the county aforesaid, who being first sworn, shall view
the lands so proposed, and fairly and impartially, to the best of
their judgment, fix and ascertain the sum which the said proprie-
tor or proprietors ought to have and receive for said land.
Tolls allowed.
8. And be it enacted, That as soon as said bridge shall he com-
pleted, it shall be lawful for the corporation aforesaid to demand
and receive the following tolls and rates for passing the same;
that is to say, for a single person two cents; for a horse three
cents; for a single carriage eighteen and three quarter cents; for
a phaeton, chariot or coach, twenty-five cents; four horse wagon
twenty-five cents; a two horse wagon eighteen and three, quarter
cents; for a cart twelve and a half cents; horned cattle two cents
each; hogs and sheep two cents each; for oxen in geer three cents
each, and no more; and if the collector of the tolls shall demand
and receive from any person or persons for passing said bridge
more than is hereby allowed, he shall for every such offence for-
feit and pay to the party aggrieved five dollars, to be recovered
before any justice of the peace; and any person or persons at-
tempting forcibly to pass said bridge without paying toll, or re-
fusing to pay the same after having passed, shall be liable to a
like penalty, to be recovered in manner aforesaid for the use of
said corporation.
Dividends to be
declared every six
9. And be it enacted. That the president and directors aforesaid
shall at the end of every six months from the time said bridge
shall be completed, after defraying all necessary and proper ex-
penses and charges, declare the dividends due to each stockholder,
which shall be paid by the treasurer upon the order of the board
of directors.
Stock, how to be
10. And be it enacted, That the shares of stock shall be trans-
ferrable only on the hooks of the corporation, in such manner as
the board of directors may direct.