CHAP. 159.
assessment, and shall annex the respective sums to be collected
from each person, and the said commissioners shall thereupon en-
dorse a warrant of the nature of a fieri facias, directed to the
bailiff of the said town, commanding him to make and levy the
several sums of money annexed to the said list with all conve-
nient speed, and to enforce the collection thereof, if necessary,
by the seizure and sale of the goods and chattels of any person
who shall refuse or deny to make payment of such assessment;
and the said bailiff, within the space of ten days after receiving
any such list of assessment, shall furnish evert person so charge-
able with the amount of his or her assessment, and the same
shall be payable to the said bailff, by every such person, within
the space of thirty days after rendering such account, and if not
then paid, it shall be lawful for the said bailiff, and he is hereby
required, to proceed to the collection thereof, if necessary, by
seizure and sale of the goods and chattels of every person refus-
ing or delaying to pay such assessment; and the said bailiff shall
account for the amount of such assessment with the said com-
missioners, at or before the end of two months alter the receipt
of every such list of assessment, and pay over the sums collected
by him.
Penalties, how to
be recovered.
29. And be it enacted, That the several penalties and forfeitures
which may be incurred by any person in virtue of this act, shall
be recovered before any justice of the peace of Charles county,
upon the complaint, on oath or affirmation, of one competent
and credible witness, and shall and may be levied by commitment
of the offender in execution to the sheriff of said county until
payment of the penalty and fees, or by process in the nature of
fieri facias, directed to the bailiff of the said town, for levying
the same by seizure and sale of the goods and chattels of the of-
fenders, and the fees to the bailiff shall be the same as are or
may be allowed by law to the sheriffs for executing a writ of fieri
facias; and the penalties and forfeitures, and all monies arising by
virtue of this act, shall be accounted for by the officer or persons
collecting or receiving the same, to the commissioners aforesaid,
and be applied by them to the providing, ordering, and repairing
scales, weights and engines, herein before mentioned, or other-
wise in their discretion to such other purposes as may improve or
concern the regulations of the said town.
Part of an act re-
30. And be it enacted, That so much of an act of assembly,
passed at November session seventeen hundred and ninety four,
entitled, An act to establish and regulate a market in Charles-
tovvn, in Charles county, and to prevent persons from suffering
goats, hogs and geese, to go at large in said town, as is inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby
County court, up-
on petition, may
inquire into com-
missioners, &c.
31. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the
county court of Charles county, upon the petition of any person
or persons complaining of any illegal or oppressive fine or for-
feiture to be imposed in virtue of this act, or to be laid by the
commissioners aforesaid, to hear and inquire into the same, and
to pass such order in relation thereto as the said commissioners
in justice ought to do, and it shall be the duty of the said commis-
sioners to conform thereto.