ployed in the transaction, trial, determination, or other disposi-
tion of causes so removed, and to make out and transmit to the
levy court of the county from which such causes may have been
removed, an account of the legal charges for attendance of the
jurors, bailiffs, and other officers of court, during such term, so
as aforesaid employed during the trial of such removed causes,
which amount it shall he the duty of the levy court of the county
where such cases originated, to levy upon the assessable property
in their respective counties, to be collected as other county charges
are collected, and paid over by the levy court where such causes
may have originated to the, levy court of the county to which such
causes may he removed for trial, or to their order, to be by them
paid over to the jurors, bailiffs, and other persons entitled there-
CHAP. 158.
An Act for changing the Name of Charles-Town, in Charles County, to that
of Port Tobacco, for securing the Titles of Proprietors of Lots and Houses
therein, and for the regulation and improvement of the said Town.
Passed Feb. 13, 1821.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Charles-town, in Charles county, he henceforth called and known
by the name of Port Tobacco, and that in all process and judi-
cial proceedings, Port Tobacco be substituted for Charles- town.
Town to be here-
after known by
the name of Port-
2. And be it enacted, That Messieurs George D. Parnham,
Francis Digges, Frederick D. Stone, Daniel of St. Thomas Jeni-
fer, and John J. Jenkins, or a majority of them, be and they are
hereby appointed commissioners, with full and ample power and
authority to cause the said town to be resurveyed and laid out by
the county surveyor, or other competent person, to ascertain and
limit the extent of the lots, streets ami lanes thereof, according
to the best evidence that can be obtained, and to cause the same
to be marked and bounded.
appointed to re-
survey town.
3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, shall assemble at the town aforesaid, on the first
Monday of April next, who, before they proceed to execute any
of the duties imposed by this act, shall take an oath before some
justice of the peace, that they will well and truly, and imparti-
ally, without fear, favour or affection, discharge the trusts repos-
ed in them by this act; and they, or a majority of them, shall
administer a like oath to the surveyor whom they shall employ,
before he shall proceed to the performance of his duties as such.
To take an oath.
4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majo-
rity of them, shall have power and authority to call before them
all witnesses nominated to them by any of the proprietors of lots
or other persons interested, by subpoenas directed to the sheriff of
Charles county, who is hereby required to serve and return the
same; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
examine such witnesses upon their corporal oaths, to be adminis-
tered by said commissioners, touching and concerning their
knowledge of the bounds, limits or extent of any of the lots or
streets of the said town, and every witness so as aforesaid sum-
moned, and refusing or neglecting to attend, shall forfeit and pay
a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for every offence, to be recovered
by attachment to be issued on application of said commissioners,
To summon wit-
nesses relative to
bounds, &c. of lots.